Would be 5+4 today. Ultrasound done on 5/2 with absolutely nothing to show. Midwife is concerned for ectopic so I am going in for a D&C today where they will scrape whatever tissue is in my uterus and test it to determine if it was preparing for pregnancy, if not it is assumed to be in my tubes and will move forward with treatment for that.

I’ve had some very tiny red and pink tissue like stuff when I wipe so I’m thinking it is not in my tubes but just a regular miscarriage.

But - why are my levels still rising? I assumed if I’m having some tissue pass my levels would start to go down. It makes it really hard to go through with the D&C even though I know the numbers aren’t where they’re supposed to be. I can’t help but hold on to some miracle that maybe things are ok.

4/24 66
4/26 98
4/28 127
4/30 157
5/2 170
5/6 244
@jpmac I am so scared to have an ectopic I’ve never had that before, only a MMC. I’m scared of the treatment, potential surgery, and then not being able to get pregnant for 3 months after 😞only silver lining is my midwife said it’s not considered a miscarriage so that means I did not have 2 miscarriages in a row I guess. 😞
@searchingforsomething It's not a fun time. Fortunately because your numbers are so low you are probably a good candidate for the medication treatment and it should resolve quickly. The 3 month rule is just to give your body a chance to rebuild its folate levels. If you supplement aggressively many docs will approve you to try again as soon as you get your cycle back. Fingers crossed you won't have to go through all that and this will resolve on its own!
@dpasek I had all of it. I’ve had 6 HCG labs, 2 ultrasounds.

My numbers weren’t showing a viable pregnancy so it needed to be terminated either way and based off my numbers there was concern for ectopic in my tubes. They found the sac in my uterus which is a good sign that it is not in my tubes. D&C was done, now in 48 hours I will have another HCG done to ensure my levels are dropping. If they don’t drop, then it is most likely in my tubes. So it’s just a waiting game. That D&C was the worst thing I’ve ever been through. I like to think I have a high pain tolerance and I almost passed out.
@searchingforsomething I’m sorry i meant surgery and everything. My ectopic was almost like yours except they never found the location. I just had my last HCG done today. They didn’t put you to sleep for a D&C???????? For my anembryonic I needed an D&C and they gave me drugs to put me to sleep. I am so so so sorry 😭😭😭

Edit to add i went to the ER twice and the do yes refused to give me MTX because of our states abortion laws at the time. It was a nightmare! 😭 and no one has told me to wait three months to conceive? This is my 4th loss and back to back from a loss in February. 😮‍💨

Also, I got pregnant two weeks after a D&C 🙃 they told me to wait a week but boom took two weeks and I guess I ovulated and that baby is now 18 months laying on my chest 🫶🏻
@dpasek They said they could do the anesthesia but they said most people are OK with just pain meds and i usually have a pretty high pain tolerance so I thought I’d be ok but if I ever have to do that again I will be opting for the anesthesia because that was so painful I wanted to cry.

Yes, surgery would be the last option for an ectopic/tubal. So if my levels don’t go down, it’s assumed to be in my tubes and then I will get the methotrexate and if that doesn’t work, then surgery. It seems likely that it is in my uterus.

I’m just glad it’s over. It was pretty quick but the anxiety while waiting was awful.
@searchingforsomething 😳😳😳😳 oh my god. I would never! Pretty sure they came me fentanyl because it would be so painful.

I’m so confused why do you think you need surgery? 🥺 your HCG didn’t get over 1000 so the pregnancy is so small and you’re not at any risk of your tubes rupturing or anything. 🫶🏻 someone told me you could just get a procedure to flush your tubes as well. We live in the craziness times when people cannot agree on what to do for a PUL/ectopic pregnancy 🥺 i had theee doctors refuse to give me the MTX shot since my HCG was going down but they couldn’t find my pregnancy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
@dpasek I don’t think I need surgery! Luckily. We caught it very very early so yes it’s very small and they did find a sac in my uterus so most likely it was developing in my uterus not in my tubes. So I think I’m in the clear but I will find out for sure Wednesday when I repeat my labs.

It is all so crazy. I hate that we have to go through these things 😞😞
@searchingforsomething Sorry I guess I’m more confused why they’re even telling you about surgery, or maybe you have better doctors that me 😅😅 mine were like 🤷🏻‍♀️ hope it works out. I don’t wanna go to jail 🙃 seriously a male doctor said he didn’t want to go to jail so he wouldn’t treat me.

Yes this pregnancy loss has taken the cake for the worst case of mismanagement of a pregnancy I’ve ever been through. I am so sorry and praying they go down! I’m still getting positive tests almost a week since i stopped bleeding :(
@dpasek That is so awful!! My midwife was very very adamant about getting it treated whether it was with the methotrexate or surgery - whatever was needed. It could really do significant damage if it’s not treated. That scared me the most.
@searchingforsomething I had the same experience with my ectopic, nothing ever visualized anywhere, but Hcg still slowly creeping up anyway. I do not want to cause you more pain but these Hcg numbers indicate something is wrong ☹️ I wish you quick resolution