Turned back in sleep


New member
I’m a FTM and my LO is 3.5 months now. I started co sleeping with him when he was around 3 months and we both sleep so incredibly well now (he was a terrible sleeper before)! I sleep with the c curl position and usually fall asleep while feeding him. Last night I woke up when he cried and I had turned to face the other way. It scared the crap out of me and now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t be co sleeping with him if I turned my back? I don’t know how long I was facing the other way but it really freaked me out. There were no covers or anything on him and he was still on his back when I turned to face him again. I had never moved before last night! I love sleeping the way we do but he’s still little and I’m anxious now.
@jordanmom23 I don’t want to scare you, but TBH, that is concerning at 3.5mo still. If your baby was older, I’d say turning your back would be fine, but at 3.5mo they still have such limited mobility and risk re-breathing/suffocation still if they get rolled into your back. You might try using a sidecar crib to scoot baby over once they’re done eating while you’re still awake. Are you taking any supplements or allergy medicine anything that might be making you sleep deeper? Are you breastfeeding?
@gpink No it’s ok, it’s the truth and his safety is the most important to me. I’m breastfeeding and nope, no supplements or allergy medicines and completely sober. Just tired last night I guess :/ thanks for your comment - I’ll be putting him in the bassinet tongiht for sure
@jordanmom23 FWIW, we rented a snoo at 3**mo for when we couldn’t bed share and our baby took to it pretty well. It’s been worth the investment considering the alternative was everyone not sleeping.
@gpink How long did you rent it for? Also were you able to bed share after? I’m so sad because I love sleeping that way and we both sleep so much better but it’s not worth being unsafe. I’m really bummed it’s bc of me and I feel like my instincts are bad or something :(
@jordanmom23 We still rent it and plan to until she outgrows it (edit: we’ve had it for 1 month). Our baby is only 4mo. I use it when I’ve worked a night shift (too tired), or when I’m gone for work over night (husband can’t bed share). We use it for some naps, too, but we cosleep the other times. You’re not doing anything wrong! You can’t control how you sleep. Some people are just super still in their sleep, before or after baby. And it’s up to you if you feel like this was a one off thing where you were very tired or uncomfortable and feel the pros outweigh the risks. If your baby won’t sleep otherwise, it may still be less risky to cosleep than be sleep deprived. I would try some alternatives though, first, like scooting baby away from you or trying a Snoo if money allows.
@gpink Thank you for saying that, I’m feeling really bad but I just want to do what’s best. Thanks for all your suggestions too - we will definitely consider them!
@jordanmom23 I agree with everyone’s comments about doing sidecar until baby is older maybe. For future, what I find works for me is I sleep with one of those pillows that are made to put between your legs, very blocky, and a small footballish shaped one kind of half tucked under my back. This helps me from completely rolling onto my back or rolling over. And the blocky pillow between my legs really limits my rolling mobility too. They both stay far away from baby. I am a pretty still sleeper (knock on wood I stay that way). But the pillows help ease my mind a bit. It does make getting up to pee in the middle of the night annoying because I’m move them to the floor when I get off the bed, but it’s ok!
Also I have a eufy monitor sock, cheaper than the owlet and works great, just as an extra measure!
@funnjng Thank you for this, I will try the pillows once he gets older! Question - when people say “older” what age does that mean? Also, we use all eufy stuff so that actually sounds amazing and I’m going to check it out. Thank you!
@jordanmom23 I might be wrong, so definitely double check me, but the guidelines in UK, Sweden, and I wanna say Netherlands all recommend (not sure if that is the right word) waiting until baby is 4 months or older to bedshare
Swedish study

Edited to add a Swedish study

Also I can’t find the Dutch official guidelines, but it’s out there, I looked at it last week
@jordanmom23 I kept and still keep a pillow behind my back when I'm sleeping, it helps keep me comfortable but also would stop me from turning if I were to try that in my sleep. Definitely agree with a sidecar crib for now if you can do that with your baby. I could never transfer my son so the pillow helps tremendously. I'm one of those people that can stay in one position all night so that has also helped me in regards to cosleeping.
@jordanmom23 Other than being a very light sleeper something that keeps me from turning is the cuddle curl plus a pillow inbetween my knees and a pillow tucked behind my back not only does it feel more comfy cause i feel cradled lol, but it makes hard to just turn over. If you really are a heavy sleeper or afraid you will do it again you should consider a bedside bassinet or side caring a crib it will be safer for baby. I plan to sidecar our crib soon because at 5 months im starting to get real tired of the cuddle curl lol. Im naturally a back sleeper.