Tummy time 4 weeks old


New member
How are y’all managing to get in tummy time?
My son is a month old and his wake windows are slim. Either he wakes up hungry and fussy or we wake him up to eat. We do a diaper change first because if we do it after eating he will just spit up everywhere and want to eat again after anyways. After eating he gets tired and falls asleep and I just lay him against my chest for a little bit so he can burp and be upright to reduce spitting up.
I breastfeed him laid back so when he’s looking for the nipple I guess he does do a little bit of tummy time.
Should we be waking him up a little bit before he needs to eat and do tummy time as he’s usually calm if we wake him then do a diaper change then feed him?
Curious to see how other parents handle this when their little one is just a hungry little spit up monster ;)
@brian1992 My pediatrician told us that any activity where the baby is lifting his head counts as “tummy time”
So laying on your chest and lifting his head, if you’re holding baby and he isn’t leaning on your chest but lifting his head, etc
Tummy time is about strengthening the neck and it can be done without actually being on the tummy.
@brian1992 I did almost 0 traditional baby on belly on floor tummy time until close to 3 months. We did a lot of tummy time with baby laying on mom or dads chest. Still close to flat out but also building more of a connection with us. She is now 18 months and has always exceeded the physical milestones (sitting, standing, walking, etc) I would say definitely don’t wake baby for it. Fit it in where you can.
@brian1992 I barely did tummy time (except for when she was on my chest which was a lot) until my baby was like 3 months old.. she’s 5.5 months now and totally fine and strong. Not saying don’t do it but I wouldn’t worry too too much