Tummy Sleep


New member
Okay so my robust, extremely proficient at rolling, 7.5 month old baby… f*cking HATES being put in his cot and will scream bloody murder if put ‘butt in bed’ awake. I’m talking a blood curdling scream, coughing, shrieking. Hates it. Anyway so at the moment what I’m doing is he will protest and then roll onto his tummy, then I’ll come back into the room and then pat his butt and sing, which puts him to sleep and he sleeps wonderfully - either through the night or with one wake.

My question is, if he is so mobile and able to roll, would it really be so bad if I just put him in the cot on his tummy AWAKE and start patting him from the get go? I just feel like this would reduce his misery so much… ??? I just don’t see how it is so much safer to wait for him to roll after two minutes of losing it and then I pat him?
@davekind77 My son has flopped like a fish straight into his belly the second his back hits the crib and sleeps either on his belly or has his butt in the air since he’s been 3-3.5 months old? Maybe a little earlier?

If placing him on his belly works, and he prefers to sleep that way, then I don’t see why it’s an issue!
@davekind77 We put ours down on his tummy. When he first started tummy sleeping he took forever to get over and we would have to stand there and watched him, nothing wrong speeding up the process 😂
@davekind77 I put mine on her belly if she falls asleep in my arms. It's not "technically" safe sleep, but (to me, in my specific situation) the benefits outweigh the risks now that she can roll herself over.

It's okay to make an informed decision that works for your family.
@davekind77 What I’ve heard is that if they can roll onto their tummy on their own, they have the strength/energy to roll back. If you put them on their tummy, they might be particularly tired and unable to move themselves back. Not sure how much of an actual risk this is, as you know your kiddo best.

Maybe practicing/playing rolling into tummy in the crib during the day might help?