Tula Free to Grow v Tula Explore v Ergobaby Omni Breeze v Boba X — for going on walks


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Hi! I’m looking for a SSC that’s more supportive than my Happy Baby OG for going on walks with my 6 month old. Hoping y’all can help :)

I’m trying to find the sweet spot on support, breathability, comfort, and looks. I don’t really care about forward facing, I only included the Explore because I like the way it looks more than the others. I think I prefer an H back, but l I don’t really know since the only X back I’ve tried is the embrace which caused neck/shoulder soreness, so maybe I’d like a more supportive X back, too.

Can someone rank these in terms of bulkiness and breathability? And please share your opinions on comfort as well!

I’m also open to other full buckle carriers if you’ve got a rec. I’ve considered Lenny Lamb but sadly I don’t see a fabric/pattern combo that I like.

Thank you thank you!
@silvercaster Do you have a carrier library near you? Structured carriers are like jeans, each person has a different perfect fit. If it’s possible to try them on first I would definitely try that. Every carrier you mentioned here is capable of being very comfortable for the right body.

You probably found the back on the embrace uncomfortable because it’s a stretchy fabric. Structured carriers are a whole different ball game, I wouldn’t discount the X back just yet.

The only more generic info I can give you is that ime bulkiness goes Tula FtG < Tula explore < Boba X < Ergo Omni breeze (least bulky to most). The ergo is also more comfortable for people with longer torsos and less so for people with shorter torsos.
@kevin184 Thank you so so much for your reply and the info on bulkiness. That helps a lot! I live in a small town/remote area, so unfortunately no carrier library near me to my knowledge.

As a BW educator, are there any other carriers you’d recommend I look into, either an H or X back?
@silvercaster Oh I just realized, since you said you don’t care about forward facing I wouldn’t consider the Tula explore. It’s basically the FtG but sacrifices some adjustability for forward facing capability. It’s also more expensive and a little bit bulkier.
@silvercaster You picked some really good ones, all of them are great and have rave reviews from the people I’ve worked with. I personally have a Tula FtG and the ergo Omni breeze. I like both, but strongly prefer the Tula, but my husband doesn’t like the Tula at all and loves the ergo. He likes bulk I think lol

I don’t have a carrier library near me either, (I’m trying to start one actually!) so I understand your pain. If you want really detailed reviews of each of those options, sheenslings.com has some of the most comprehensive reviews I’ve seen, which should help you decide.

I would also look secondhand to see what’s available, it’ll make you feel less apprehensive to try one if you’re not spending a lot of money, and it’ll narrow your choices which I think can be a good thing when you’re overwhelmed with options.
@silvercaster Breeze: not for me in general. Could never get a good fit with ergos but my husband loves it. I got it used. But I hate how often the slides slide in. I think it’s a design flaw.

Explore: my favorite carrier even for inward facing. I find it more supportive than the FTG

FTG: also love this one.

Boba X: I had a boba 3GS and I liked it a lot but it felt bigger in the body of it so it didn’t fit my tiny daughter well.