Tubal ligation reversal


New member
I gave birth to my son in October. He was my third c-section and my second emergency c-section. My husband and I had briefly talked about having a tubal if I had to have another c-section, but hadn't made a complete decision. Well, as we were sitting in the operating room after having been run down the hall after a code being called on the baby(he is ok), husband and I looked at each other and basically said we couldn't do this again. So the doctor did the tubal. At the time I was fine with that.

Now however I am having so so much regret. I want another baby and want to get a reversal. Has anyone had this done and successfully had a baby?
@symphorian This sounds like something therapy could be good for, and a long talk with your OB on risk/timeline. I have heard that 3 c-sec is kind of the max safe amount. I don't have specific advice for you, but wish you luck!
@symphorian It sounds like the tubal was part of what sounds like a really intense birth experience. Could it be that some of your conflicting emotions regarding the tubal could be from the overall birth experience? I had a normal-ish birth but ended up with complications that were ignored and came close to being life threatening. I’m not saying that to thread jack but because I sometimes find myself wanting another and dreaming of how much ‘better’ the next birth experience would be. When I really examine my feelings it’s from my emotions related to the delivery and not from a place of wanting another child.
@symphorian Why do you want a 4th child? Is it just more babies you want or another whole person to look after for the next couple of decades? Would a 4th child add something important to your family; can you afford it; can you be the best parent you can be to 4 children; does your husband feel the same way?

Your baby is only 3 months old, perhaps this is just an emotional and hormonal time for you? Can you try and savour and enjoy this time for what it is, and maybe reconsider your options a couple of years down the track?
@jazzyd777 Yesss. I feel like I might get downvoted for this, but we can’t even afford to have one child, I can’t even fathom the luxury of being able to have four 😔. All the best to those who are fortunate enough to be in that position though.
@symphorian Not me, but my mom helped pay for her friend's tubal ligation reversal in the 90s, and her friend went on to have 2 more healthy children in her late 30s (conceived naturally). For what it's worth, my OBGYN told me that nowadays up to 5 C-sections are safe for most women.
@mantaeee My doctor said you can have 4 or 5 c sections but it depends on the shape your uterus is in and three is the max he suggests before it starts increasing risk. Maybe OP should talk with the OB that performed her last and see his opinion. Some people have more trauma to the uterus than others.
@symphorian I had a reversal in late February this year. I would definitely say, don’t get a ligation if you think there is ANY chance you want more. Of course we can never see into our future, if that were the case I wouldn’t have needed one lol. But I only had one kid back when I was 19 and felt a lot pressure by my gyno since I was “nearing thirty one and unmarried still, waist of away on hormones abs birth control” soooo I was 34 when I reversed them and praying like hell it worked so I can get preggo. I’ll keep you updated!