TTTS/preterm labour didi


New member
Hello! I’m 31+5 with Di/Di twin boys! On Thursday last week(31+2) I went to my local hospital for my routine weekly iron transfusion. During this 2 hour transfusion I started having contractions, I was sent to the birthing unit(L&D) for an NST. I had not felt twin B move in 2-3 days at that point but I was convinced by the nurses line that as long as I could feel one baby the other one was most likely fine and just not as “strong”. I went from having two very very active babies to one baby not moving for days at a time and another baby moving non stop all the time. When I mentioned the low fetal movement from one baby only I was immediately sent for an ultrasound which showed that baby B has low amniotic fluid and that baby A is very far down in my pelvis that they couldn’t see his face on the ultrasound. I was sent back up to the birthing unit to await the ONE dr that is on call(thanks Canadian health care) I waiting several hours with still zero movement from B. After 6.5 hours of being on the monitors I’m told to go home and try not to go into active labour, contractions were every 7-9mins and showing up on the monitors. I was told that I needed to come back on Monday(today-it’s 1AM) bc that’s when my dr is the one on call and she can access what she feels is appropriate. Other side note I was given the first dose of steroids on the Thursday and the second dose on Friday. I have been having contractions since Thursday and they just keep sending me home saying they don’t feel comfortable doing anything as I’m high risk and they aren’t my dr. I know it’s not the smartest thing but I’ve gone down the google rabbit hole for low amniotic fluid, is TTTS possible with didi? Google is very contradicting! I can’t sleep and haven’t slept much since Thursdays ultrasound. They just kept saying that there’s two heartbeats so that should be enough reassurance until Monday. I am terrified. B still is not moving. I’m terrified I’m going to go in there tomorrow and there’s only going to be one heartbeat. I don’t know what to do. My water has not broken. Just Bs is low and A is normal. Please just tell me what to expect!
@ryan_huang Hi Mama,
I hear how scared you are. Let's concentrate on the positive things we know:
there are two heartbeats!!
you made it past viability!!
you are beta complete with your steroid shots!! This is so good for your babies' lung development

When babies get bigger as you near term, sometimes it's harder for them to move around because room to move around is getting smaller.

TTTS is when your babies share a placenta. di/di means you have two sacs and you have two placentas so I don't believe that is possible in your situation, but I am not a doctor or medical professional. I am however a mother of rainbow mono mono twins so I feel your worry and it hits home.

I'm hoping you find time to breathe and rest. I know the feeling of not being in control is so hard to process and we feel like there is something we should be doing and feel helpless. Hang in there!!

If you still feel something is not right, call your team of drs up and explain how bad your anxiety is. Advocate for yourself or get your partner to do it for you.

When you are stressed the babies are stressed. Try doing things that calm you. Meditating, pray, listen to your favorite music, dance, read, watch funny videos, ask your partner for a massage, call a friend or family member. Stay off google!

I am rooting for you. Stay strong. Soon you will meet your beautiful babies 💕