TTC is a huge mindf**k!!!


New member
Hubby and I are at the very start of our TTC journey. I ended a five year relationship with my little copper buddy last week, and have found that it has been messing with my mind.

It is such a huge mental switch going from spending the last 23 years doing everything in my power to prevent getting pregnant to now actively wanting and trying to make it to happen. Don’t get me wrong, we are both beyond happy and excited to expand our family and give our fur baby a human sibling, but as soon as my IUD was removed I had that Gob Bluth “I’ve made a terrible mistake” feeling.

Did anyone else struggle with this? Does it eventually just go away?
@jrumsticks I hope it is easy for you; three years later with no babes and I’m wondering why I was always so concerned while on birth control. What I can say is that being off BC is very freeing and like you have a new lease on your body. Enjoy and best of luck!! 😉
@jrumsticks I went off HBC in June and was on it for 10+ years. I definitely felt the same at first, but it very quickly turned into excitement about TTC lol. It's really weird enthusiastically doing the exact opposite of everything I did when I was younger, and for me I think that's what caused the initial weirdness and hesitation of stopping HBC. For me, it's really empowering to understand my body better as I learn more about ovulation and cycles and everything else that comes with fertility and TTC.
@mstiles This is me. I felt all of this, so nervous and anxious but then feeling really great and excited! Also, HBC messed with my moods so badly and I realized this as soon as I was off. I feel much happier and empowered about owning my body and understanding fertility and reproductive functions. Bummed it took this long.
@jrumsticks I had a copper IUD as well!! And it was a very odd mindset after removal. Had it out back in July and I still go back and forth with myself hoping I'm pregnant and hoping I still have more time to enjoy life before parenthood. So I can't really say if it eventually goes away!
@jrumsticks I had the same feeling going from birth control to natural family planning in preparation of TTC. It feels dirty to have sex without birth control, and that’s the beauty of our terrible sex education that tells us pregnancy and babies are the end of your life and that any sex without prevention is wrong. Turns out sex is fun and actually pregnancy is a goal ;) It gets better! But you definitely have to reframe your mindset from “this is naughty” to “yay, we’re trying to procreate!” Maybe it will help to just have sex when you want to for the first cycle or two. If you get pregnant, great! If not, at least you’re having fun and having relaxed sex. Or head right into tracking and timing sex with ovulation- whatever you want. :) good luck and enjoy it!
@shela710 I’ve always been very sex positive and lucky that I have never dealt with any of the “sex is dirty/naughty” baggage from poor sexual education (yay for Canadian public schools!) - in fact we were taught how to properly use condoms by grade 7, and high school sex ed also covered some of the emotional/feelings/consent aspect rather than focusing just on pregnancy & STIs. I appreciate that it was always treated with more of a “sex is a perfectly natural human desire and action, here are some things to consider and some information to help you make a good choice for you”.
@jrumsticks I totally relate! I got my paragard out end of June after 8 years. What's wild to me is how quickly my mind was ALL IN. I was so, so sad when our first cycle didn't work and I wasn't really prepared for that, and it's been a rollercoaster this cycle too. I went from not wanting it (on birth control) to wanting it ~so so badly~ in what felt like the flip of a switch.
@parsonbrown Thanks for sharing. I got off Paraguard 4 months ago, TTC. Going thru the same thing!! Can hardly think about much else. Can I ask if your period/cycle has been thrown off? I’ve had regular/heavy period my whole life and now they are practically nonexistent after getting it out. Not sure what it is! My obgyn doesn’t have answers.
@youngman2240 Yes mine changed too! On the iud mine were always 29 days and 6-7 day pretty heavy periods with cramping (not terrible but noticeable). I’ve had two periods since getting it out, one was 4 days the other 3, both light and minimal cramps on day 2. My last two cycles were both 31/30 days also.
@parsonbrown Mine are pretty much the exact same as yours ! 31 day cycles, except 2 day period, minimal to no cramping. Very confusing considering the ob said “you can theoretically conceive this cycle cause nothing should change”. Sorry you’re going through it too!
@youngman2240 I’m not sure what it means for conception chances :/ My midwife also said the same thing but did recommend I wait two months (we waited one) so maybe it does have an impact! My guess is the uterine lining builds up differently without the iud in there so our bodies are finding a new normal.
@jrumsticks Totally understand. For me, I had that moment going in to get my IUD out in July when they asked what kind of birth control I was going to use once the IUD was removed. “Um...none?” was my answer and it blew my mind after all those years of trying to prevent pregnancy. Definitely not alone!