Travelling with 2 Year Old - Itinerary Guidance Requested


New member

So we are invited to an out-of-town wedding in November, and my husband is going to be part of the wedding party. It's in a different state we've never been do. I also have one of my best friends that moved out to that same state a few years ago, but she's about a 5 hour Drive away from the city of the wedding.

I am trying to figure out which is the best way to go about it, please tell me if I am crazy to attempt this trip (never having travelled with kiddo before):

Option 1:
  1. Wedding in City A: Fly out there on Friday, wedding is on Saturday. Sunday, head out.
  2. Drive 4.5 - 5 hours to Friend's City B. Spend the night there (their house or a hotel).
  3. Fly back home.
HOWEVER... there may be a 1 hour flight from City A to City B. So

Option 2:
  1. Wedding in City A: Fly out there on Friday, wedding is on Saturday. Sunday, head out.
  2. Fly 1 hour to Friend's City B. Spend the night there (a bit pricier, but less travel time...?)
  3. Fly back home.
To compound the thing, they just announced they are expecting. They will have a 3 month old by the time that wedding rolls around in November. I am debating just getting a hotel near there, so we can give them their space, with the baby.

LAST, but certainly not least, the state is known for snow. I am afraid of maybe driving snowy roads... or flying snowy weather. So Option 3 would just be to visit them another year.

Note: they had moved out there and I haven't seen her in a few years... so while it would be nice to see them and new baby... Anyway, sorry, just reaching out to the internet, and those who have more experience with travelling with kids.

Thank you kindly, and in advance!

We are so excited for the wedding, as well as the hope of seeing our friends out there... so I am trying to make it happen, although it may be rough,but if it's unrealistic,then I would rather know to manage my expectations and adjust accordingly.
@heavenlyimages If you've never driven in snowy conditions then wait till its nicer out. Im from Canada and can tell you that things can happen very quickly with icy and snowy conditions, and if you dont know how to properly correct the car from skidding it can cause a huge accident.
@heavenlyimages Excited for your family trip! No matter what you decide, it’ll be a great bonding experience for your family. As someone who has traveled a lot with my little one, I would not try option 1 unless I knew for sure that the kiddo was good at traveling. There are a lot of uncontrollable things that can put you into miserable survival-mode depending on how both you and your kiddo handle travel together. They might have trouble taking naps or sleeping during their regular hours; the change of scenery can be overstimulating; the long car rides and plane rides can get boring. You might also have a lot of (literal) extra baggage to carry around - car seat, stroller, kiddos suitcase and entertainment, etc. If you get the chance, it might be a good idea to do a weekend trip with kiddo this spring or summer to see how they do before the wedding.
@anielswings81 Thank you for the advice!I was considering doing a "tester" trip, so maybe we do that. :) naps are gonna be rough, and I think you're right, driving 5 hours potentially in the snow is not something I relish.
@heavenlyimages Traveling through an airport is hell for any child. That will ruin your day with your friend.
Traveling on the road is something your child is used too. 5 hours seems like quite a bit, but you can stop and rest and have your child ready to continue traveling.
Get a hotel.