Too late for ring sling?

With a humid summer ahead of me, I've been considering a ring sling for my baby (currently have a Solly wrap and WildBird Aeriel). My boy is on the big side (around 70%) so I'm nervous that his weight will be too much for my shoulders in a ring sling, but the light fabric/easy of getting baby in and out has me considering it anyway. What do you all think? Anyone one with cranky neck/shoulders use their ring sling with big/older babies? Otherwise I was thinking of H&P Lark or Happy Baby OG for a lighter option that can distribute his weight more easily, but I'd rather not spend $200 if a the ring sling will do the trick!

Thanks in advance ❣️

Also will take recommendations for ring slings! Currently looking at an affordable option via Amazon, brand: Meibien.

Haven't been able to find any used locally but going to keep a look out!

Edit to add: baby is 3.5 months and 15lbs currently!

Edit: thanks for all the comments. You are all so helpful 🫶
@authorandystraka I’d dip your toes in with a borrowed or used ring sling first! If you search “babywearing” and your city on Facebook, you may be able to find BST groups or a lending library. Fwiw I do think it’s worth trying - I find the ring sling useable still at 30lb for short stints - but YMMV on the asymmetrical aspect.
@millawattingly Me too! I struggled with my ring sling until now - and my baby is 9 months and just over 20lbs. I find It's not for dog walks, but as someone else said I like it for errands around town, in and out of the car + being carried. I have a linen one from Heritage CO (i think it's called) and will use it this summer :)
@authorandystraka I have a bad back and picky shoulders. I use my ring sling a lot, but only for quick trips into stores, and any time I'll be wearing for 30 minutes or less. I wear my baby (big; about 70%ile) and my toddler (small; about 25%ile) and I used it to carry my oldest until he was 3 or 4 years old.

If you have picky shoulders I'd steer clear of linen, and I'd definitely back away from anything on Amazon. You want cush. So gathered rings, cotton/wool/viscose, all the bouncy fibers.

I'd look on the BST pages for Oscha or Lenny Lamb. Girasol only does cotton, but I do love them. My ring sling is an older Lenny Lamb that I've had since my first was tiny, so almost 9 years now. It's still going strong!
@authorandystraka I currently use a ring sling for my 20 lb 6 month old and it works so well! Just make sure you spread out the fabric on the shoulder. I didn’t start using the sling until he was around 4 months. Previously I used a stretchy wrap. I have friends that use a ring sling past a year old, so you should be fine!
@authorandystraka I have two, one is a wrap conversion and one is a widbird single linen. People say single linens aren't good for bigger kiddos because they're less supportive but I find it just as comfortable. I also spend a lot of time holding all almost-50 pounds of her on my hip with my left arm, so I think anything is an improvement.

I bought my wildbird super cheap on sale but honestly, secondhand is the way to go for ring slings. There's a ton, usually pretty cheap.
@authorandystraka My baby/toddler is over 25lbs and I still use the ring sling, I love it. No neck or shoulder pain, maybe it’s starting to be annoying because he wants to reach out and grab stuff, but it’s really easy to put on and I’ve been using it for almost a year
@authorandystraka I got my ring sling when my LO was six months old and used it regularly till she was around a year, and occasionally till she was about 18 months. They get heavy to carry on your front, but you can carry a pretty big baby with it on your hip no problem.
@authorandystraka As far as the Happy Baby OG - I LOVED mine for the early days but now my five month old is getting a bit big and it’s been wearing out my neck and shoulders. I think we will soon transition to the ring sling since he’s stable enough to hip carry now! It’s very versatile, I used it when he was a newborn too before I got the happy baby. The only thing I didn’t love was I couldn’t lift my one arm above my head, but it should be fine especially if you’re not wearing it all day