Toddler (M, 7) showing violent outbursts harming parents, himself and siblings


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I (F, 18) have a little brother (M, 7) who is one of the most difficult kids i have come across and no i dont say that lightly. for some context, in no way shape or form are our parents amazing, no, i am doing everything i can in my power to be out of the house as soon as i finish 12th grade. But in my brothers case we have tried everything, calmly talking, crying, screaming, even took him to a therapist. His main problem right now is the way he hates going to school he hasnt been to school for almost 50 days and is suffering such. His end of term exams are going on and all we want for him is to pass and get promoted to the next class. his "problem" with school was discovered after throughly talking with him which is that he has no friends and cant communicate in english which is the only acceptable language in the school. To avoid school he lies, makes up stories (like a teacher was too strict and we saw it through went to the school talked to the teacher, resolved the matter and he still wouldn't go) fake stomach aches, and then theres the violent outburts. My parents arent young way into their 40s and my mom ended up in a hospital after the way he beat her continuously with his feet and many more. he is not anti-social by behavior loves interacting with people has many friends in the neighborhood but school is very anxiety inducing for him. He is rude and entitled and beats even other classmates sometimes. We tried just leaving him at school but the school called us back as he started beating up his sister (F 13). We have tried taking away all his toys, no phones or tvs he will not be allowed out to play with his friends the only entertainment is to read books or colour. But this was especially difficult to impliment as he will then need 24/7 supervision. His behavior is just getting worse by the day, more violent, more frustrated, he curses at our parents and it is just so sad to witness him struggling with something so much and not being able to do anything. therapy didnt help because well, he refused to talk or look the therapist in the eye and she was an older lady in her late 50s and he kicked her right in the stomach. Again my parents are not perfect at all they are loud and shout and scream and its just not the perfect environment but we have tried everything and just hit a wall. please help if u can.
@jmb1894 I know this is not much help sweetie but I think you need to hear it. He is going to need an inpatient psychological evaluation. This means the next time he gets physical and is hurting himself and ir others you need to call 911. This does two things..1. Shows proof of his violent behaviors that ems and police will have to write a report and get him to the hospital (most likely against his will) 2. While at the hospital you can ask for a patient or family advocate to help you get him setup in a residential treatment facility. I know this is hard and how much it hurts because I had to do the same thing for my niece when she was 8. Also look in to the residential facilities in your area before he is placed. My niece is now 13 and on the A and B honor roll.

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