Tips for newborn w K’Tan?


New member
Hi! I’m new to baby wearing. I have a 8.5 pound 4.5 week old and am looking for any tips you can share to carrying my baby in the k’tan.

I’m anxious! I am going to follow “TICKS” but I’m still nervous and am practicing. He grunts in the carrier but I’m hoping he’s just getting used to it.

I did the traditional hold rather than newborn. Do you think I should just do the newborn hold with him?

Thanks for any help
@yodaguy96 I'm an educator and I always suggest people start with the legs out version of carries vs a newborn legs in. I have yet to come across a baby who isn't comfortable legs out and that way you don't need to switch it up later. One less thing to worry about.
@yodaguy96 I put my son in the k’tan basically from birth to 12 weeks (when we switched to ergo carrier for comfort). I think I did the newborn hold…his legs were in from what I can remember.

He liked it, but as he grew he didn’t like his head restricted while he was awake. So while he was alert, I would keep his head out, but support it with my hand because he wasn’t strong enough to support it himself. Once he fell asleep I would slide his head under one of the sides with his face exposed for breathing/ventilation.

If you think your bub is uncomfortable, try to make sure they’re in a good mood before you put them in. Fed, changed, burped and slightly drowsy. I would initially stay stationary and do a gentle rock with my body (like shifting my weight from one foot to the next in a slow, gentle, consistent rhythm), supporting his head and singing or smiling at him. I feel like this helped him get comfy and feel secure. He slept like a dream in that thing, sometimes giving me 2-3 hours of freedom to get things done!

I also loved the hugabub carrier, I got both on Facebook marketplace for very cheap. Good luck! Enjoy the newborn cuddles!