TIC because I finally finished my master’s w/ a 4.0


New member
I have been working on this degree for a few years as is the norm. I committed to myself from the beginning that I would graduate with a 4.0 come hell or high water. Apparently, that was a challenge accepted by the universe as we have all had our struggles (pandemic related and not). My final grades were posted this morning, and I have my 4.0. I definitely ugly cried as I processed this.

My little man comes in about 7 weeks, and it’s like one chapter closing for another to open.
@yoly Congrats! I graduated from my masters program this June after finishing requirements at Christmas last year between babies haha (number two was born in May 2020). It’s a great feeling!
@yoly Congratulations!!! My masters will be completed this weekend and so far I have a 4.0 as well! Fingers crossed I can make it through the last few days, nausea is kicking my butt at 9+3.
@yoly Hell yeah! Congrats!
I’m about half way through my grad degree and was so relieved when I finished off the semester with a 4.0. Completing your entire program with a 4.0 is quite the achievement, and then finishing off your last semester while pregnant. Dude. You rock.