Things you did to prepare for pre-k


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My 2.5 year old will be turning 3 in July and can start the public school pre k in September. School is M to F 9:45-3:45. I’ll have a 16 month old home with me along with a newborn (due in July). Aside from potty training, what are some things you did to prepare your toddler (or yourself!) for this transition? We’ve never had him in any daycare program.
@aurelia7 Self help skills. Get a lunchbox and water bottle child can open themselves/work on getting child to be able to open them. Unzip backpack, put on their own shoes, jacket. Pull pants down independently and get on the toilet on their own.
@theokritos These!! Besides this, can work on recognizing what written first name looks like, sneezing or coughing into elbow, how to ask for help or for a turn, and talk about things like rest time, lunch time, walking in line, etc.
@aurelia7 Mine hasn’t started preschool yet, but she loves Llama Llama Misses Mama! It’s all about going to school for the first time and how he misses his mom, but it’s okay to be a little sad and that mom always comes back.
@aurelia7 I really liked this one:

What to Expect at Preschool (What to Expect Kids)

My kids are big Daniel tiger fans so we also got the Daniel Tiger goes to school books. So many other popular characters have preschool books too (Elmo, peppa pig, paw patrol etc)
@aurelia7 I’ve heard from teachers that things like putting on their shoes/jacket and opening their own lunch stuff is WAY more helpful than anything you could teach them academically.
@aurelia7 Potty training.

Counting, letters etc. No need for that at three.

More time spent on talking about feelings, why you shouldn't hit and how much fun it's going to be
@aurelia7 Independence is way more important than knowing letters/number. If your kid can get his own snack and lunch out. Clean up his mess. Put on his coat… you are 10X better off than any other kid.

If you’re looking for something more- name recognition is huge.
@aurelia7 My daughter was potty trained for her nature school program by 3, but the transition to school led her to act like she’d never seen a potty for several weeks. The teachers thought I’d made up her being potty-trained, but she was just out of her element. So, if I could go back and help ease her transition, I’d have done some potty-training outside of the house so she had experience using other toilets and probably more social interactions with kids.

All that being said, there’s going to be a month+ where your child gets used to the new routine, listening to a teacher, etc. Just prepare yourself so you’re not worrying that your kid isn’t ready or that the program is problematic. It’s pretty normal, but listen to your gut at the same time.
@aurelia7 My son is 3. He started preschool in September. They expect the kids to be able to use the toilet unassisted. They’ll help reach the soap or the paper towels if needed.

Kids need to be able to dress themselves to go outside and to change after an accident. My son can’t put his socks on so they help. He can’t put his second mitten on, so a teacher will help.
@aurelia7 My state doesn’t start prek until they turn 4! I would prioritize the social emotional aspect. Practice separating from mom somewhat if you have any opportunity for that, working with peers(maybe library groups) listening to a teacher/ other adult. Some of the independent thinks- getting on and off own coat and shoes. Washing hands, potty.
@aurelia7 Reading books about school helped my kid ease into it easier. As mentioned before, the kissing hand is great. We also read S is for school (Sesame Street) and don’t go to school (zepf,maire). The latter is about the mom not wanting kiddo to go to school and spends a day at the school with him. But she turns out to be “too big” for school. The kiddo confidently tells the mom that he’s going to be ok. I like how the roles are reversed and it shows a confident kid ready to be independent. After reading that book, I ask my kids if I can go to school with her, she’ll tell me no, you’re too big and confidently walk into the classroom by herself.
@aurelia7 Found out our school district gives each kid a laptop In kindergarten that they have to actually take home each day. So I guess for pre-k now I have to teach my kid that and how not to leave it on the bus or throw it across the room