Thin bleeding and nervous


New member
I’m back after writing earlier this week about spotting and some very light pelvic pain. Went to see my doc on Wednesday and everything was perfect and baby was OK. I was given a WinRho shot because my blood type is negative. It’s early since I’m only 8weeks but they said that they’re giving it to me early because of the bleeding. Fast-forward to today and I’m having some thinner bleeding. It was a brighter, red and more watery. I don’t know if it’s because of the shot I got or the fact that I’m taking baby aspirin to prevent high blood pressure later on in the pregnancy.

I hate how every single little change in your body makes you freak out and think you’re miscarrying. I don’t feel that worried about the current bleeding, because I don’t have any kind of cramping or any discomfort.

If I’m still bleeding next week, the doctor said I should call and she will prescribe me progesterone. I just wonder why she didn’t give it to me right away. Advocating for yourself is hard when you’re not an expert in the matter 🥲
@pollinnna230 I am not a medical professional. I am not going to tell you this isn’t a big deal if it feels like a big deal. But my sister is an ER trauma nurse and she told me when I announced my pregnancy that light bleeding is usually okay and normal. She said it’s not always, but usually. And I’m a worry wort so that really helped me. This is not medical advice. This is not meant to take the place of the recommendation of a medical professional. But I worry too and this helped me stay calm until I could see a doctor, and I only had one episode of light spotting and I’m eleven weeks now. I hope you and your baby are okay. ❤️
@pollinnna230 My current anxiety is that most of my symptoms went away and my ultrasound isn’t scheduled for another few weeks. So there’s no way to check on my baby in the meantime. But I’m not having any bad symptoms, so I’m not worried, just worried. If that makes sense. 😂 But I read a few posts on this sub and BabyBumps that say it’s normal for a few short weeks between the first and second trimester to have no symptoms. So I’m just trying to stay calm until then. So we can worry together if that helps 😭 ❤️
@pollinnna230 I had light bleeding all throughout my first and second trimesters. It’s so nerve wracking and makes you feel like you’re constantly on the verge of miscarriage. It was discovered that I have cervical polyps which, when exposed to increased hormones and cervical blood flow during pregnancy, can bleed very very easily. I also had a subchorionic hemorrhage (sounds much more scary than mine really was) that has since resolved. I’m now 23 weeks with a healthy baby so far. Keep your head up, mama. This is tough stuff!
@togeki Thanks for this! I was thinking I might have an SCH. Nothing visible on my US the other day but I’m wondering how they even see it? Seems like so many go unseen for a while!
@pollinnna230 Yes! Mine was caught on my 8 week scan but not by the OB scanning me - the radiologist who read the scan is the one who saw it! Then they saw it at my 20 week scan and made a point to take measurements and whatnot.
@pollinnna230 I had bleeding for a bit around 7 weeks, and my OB said she thought my symptoms sounded exactly like a SH, even though neither of the techs spotted it in the 2 USs I had during the bleeding.

Currently have a wonderful 12 week old sleeping on my chest so it worked out :).
@pollinnna230 Ok I had this recently too. I was having spotting and it looked like it was kinda pinkish to red.
For me they took a look at my cervix and said it looked “raw”. Apparently due to estrogen and hormones etc your cervix is extremely tender. Sex and exercise can cause it to get irritated.
For me I think I found out it was how I was sitting on my work chair. I bought a doughnut seat from Amazon and I think it worked! Also was put on progesterone and I’ve had hardly any spotting since. Hopefully this helps somehow!
@pollinnna230 I messaged my doctor early in pregnancy because of spotting. I was told not to worry about it if there weren’t golfball sized clumps and I wasn’t bleeding through a pad within an hour. I solidly made it without panicking for 24 hours with that advice before my spotting changed to bright red. I panicked and the on call doctor graciously performed an US. Baby was totally fine and we got to see the heartbeat. My doctor also tested my RH, Progesterone, and HCG. All were normal. Sometimes spotting just happens, but if you are worried let your doctor know!
@gforce165 Had a call with her this morning since I’ve been spotting pretty consistently for over a week now. She prescribed me progesterone so hopefully that makes it calm down. I’ve had 3 US and I’m barely 9 weeks lmao! She offered another but since the spotting hadn’t changed I didn’t go for it. If I get stressed again I’ll likely follow up with her for it.
The anxiety is really something 🥲