"They slept like angels, they always do!"


New member
That's what my mum always says when she has our twins for the night and they generally have always been really good sleepers but sometimes after a couple days of trouble getting them to sleep I wonder if she's messing with me. They used to sleep in a pack n play in her room but at 5 months she got them mini cribs and put them in my sisters old room. For reference all of the bedrooms are upstairs and right by each other and my father and older sister are there also.

This last week was HELL, they've been having a touch of sleep regression, had 6 month photos, had 6 month shots, and a helmet appointment all before Wednesday. Schedules were thrown off and they felt miserable for a good day after the shots and then Wednesday we lost power. Because of the helmets they need to be in a cool place to sleep so cue me throwing everything together to get them to my parents place which has a generator.

Too jump ahead, long story short I did not get one to sleep until 1.30am and the other 2.30am. Not that they were screaming the whole time, they just did not want to sleep and I would get them down for maybe 30-50ish minutes then they would wake with vengeance. Here's the kicker though, the next day when I apologized for them proclaiming the song of their people no one had any idea what I was talking about.

I thought they were messing with me, nope, somehow they did not hear a peep from these 2 6 month babies screaming right by them. My mum normally does take a monitor into the room at night and it was with me, but even downstairs I could hear them going off. And trust me, it got to the point that I stopped caring about hushing them for my families sake, they were in for the ride also.

Apprently it didn't matter, they 'didn't hear a peep' anyways. Now, I'm not worried about them being over there but did have a laugh when my husband made it over the next day. "ThEy AlWaYs SlEeP lIKe AnGeLs" my butt, we were out of power for 3.5 days and the other 2 nights they slept much better but did have some moments and everyone heard those. Nowhere near as loud, long, or bad but those ones everyone recalled. I think part of it was guilt because they thought I was messing with them, oh no friends, not at all.

Hell week is over now and I won't bore you all with the additional stuff that happened, I'm just happy to be home and that I have a new way to mess with my family. I leave you with a quote from my older sister.

"When I went to sleep they were crying, then I had a dream they were crying, then I woke up and they were crying. All i could think, is is this what being a mom is like?". Yes, not all the time, but yes lol
@goblue24 My MIL just lies to us, because she’s afraid if she admits there was difficulty, I won’t let her babysit. I always ask her and FIL separately, and get drastically different reports.
@lisa Haha… same… picked up kids and MIL says they were great and slept well.

Call later in the day as I think we forgot a bag, FIL answers that MIl is nappping as she didn’t sleep the night before
@goblue24 My mil has her faults but she tells everyone that asks that she thinks I’m a super mom for being able to be home alone all day every day with the two. She babysits on occasion for us since we live with them right now and she never tells me it was hard but I know by her telling people I’m a super mom, she thinks so lol
@goblue24 Oh, no point. She is the world’s sweetest woman, but she simply does not listen. She La La La’s through life. We’re starting to wonder if her minds going a bit…

Regardless, I am lucky to have her and love her dearly. That’s winning the MIL lottery.
@goblue24 Thanks for sharing!

Also thanks for mentioning the helmets. Mine are still little 9.5 weeks adjusted (16 weeks actual) and i've been told that the helmets are inevitable which I am still processing but it makes my heart hurt a little less seeing someone else mention them.
@faye58 The helmets aren't bad at all, I made a post about me and a singleton family friend talking about them if you want to look.

Really I was worried about taking care of another thing with two of them and it's not bad at all. The first week adjustment was a lot to deal with but after that they seemed to like them.

With twins it's inevitable because there's two of them, one of us, and when they're young you can only support one at a time. Add safe sleep of back is best into it and you get helmets, nothing wrong with it!
@faye58 It's mostly me trying to figure out if I was being mom shamed for not being upset about them needing helmets, but there is some info. The only thing you have to worry about is cleaning them once a day and my clinician says to take them off if their in car seats for an hour drive.
@faye58 No helmets aren’t inevitable. I had mine in PT and put them in the Perfect Noggin mattress at 5 months adjusted for 6 weeks. Their heads look so much better now. One has a normal shaped head now. The other one is close to having a fully round head.
@overcoming1 To clarify - I’ve been told helmets are inevitable for MY babies from our PT. I am doing absolutely everything I can within my abilities and they aren’t seeing improvements.
@sesquiterpene There are times I know my alarm has been going off for a while while I sleep and all I can think is " oh god....did they wake up in the middle of the night?". It's just part of the game, we can't help them if we don't take care of ourselves, that's what I tell myself at least lol.