That's what my mum always says when she has our twins for the night and they generally have always been really good sleepers but sometimes after a couple days of trouble getting them to sleep I wonder if she's messing with me. They used to sleep in a pack n play in her room but at 5 months she got them mini cribs and put them in my sisters old room. For reference all of the bedrooms are upstairs and right by each other and my father and older sister are there also.
This last week was HELL, they've been having a touch of sleep regression, had 6 month photos, had 6 month shots, and a helmet appointment all before Wednesday. Schedules were thrown off and they felt miserable for a good day after the shots and then Wednesday we lost power. Because of the helmets they need to be in a cool place to sleep so cue me throwing everything together to get them to my parents place which has a generator.
Too jump ahead, long story short I did not get one to sleep until 1.30am and the other 2.30am. Not that they were screaming the whole time, they just did not want to sleep and I would get them down for maybe 30-50ish minutes then they would wake with vengeance. Here's the kicker though, the next day when I apologized for them proclaiming the song of their people no one had any idea what I was talking about.
I thought they were messing with me, nope, somehow they did not hear a peep from these 2 6 month babies screaming right by them. My mum normally does take a monitor into the room at night and it was with me, but even downstairs I could hear them going off. And trust me, it got to the point that I stopped caring about hushing them for my families sake, they were in for the ride also.
Apprently it didn't matter, they 'didn't hear a peep' anyways. Now, I'm not worried about them being over there but did have a laugh when my husband made it over the next day. "ThEy AlWaYs SlEeP lIKe AnGeLs" my butt, we were out of power for 3.5 days and the other 2 nights they slept much better but did have some moments and everyone heard those. Nowhere near as loud, long, or bad but those ones everyone recalled. I think part of it was guilt because they thought I was messing with them, oh no friends, not at all.
Hell week is over now and I won't bore you all with the additional stuff that happened, I'm just happy to be home and that I have a new way to mess with my family. I leave you with a quote from my older sister.
"When I went to sleep they were crying, then I had a dream they were crying, then I woke up and they were crying. All i could think, is is this what being a mom is like?". Yes, not all the time, but yes lol
This last week was HELL, they've been having a touch of sleep regression, had 6 month photos, had 6 month shots, and a helmet appointment all before Wednesday. Schedules were thrown off and they felt miserable for a good day after the shots and then Wednesday we lost power. Because of the helmets they need to be in a cool place to sleep so cue me throwing everything together to get them to my parents place which has a generator.
Too jump ahead, long story short I did not get one to sleep until 1.30am and the other 2.30am. Not that they were screaming the whole time, they just did not want to sleep and I would get them down for maybe 30-50ish minutes then they would wake with vengeance. Here's the kicker though, the next day when I apologized for them proclaiming the song of their people no one had any idea what I was talking about.
I thought they were messing with me, nope, somehow they did not hear a peep from these 2 6 month babies screaming right by them. My mum normally does take a monitor into the room at night and it was with me, but even downstairs I could hear them going off. And trust me, it got to the point that I stopped caring about hushing them for my families sake, they were in for the ride also.
Apprently it didn't matter, they 'didn't hear a peep' anyways. Now, I'm not worried about them being over there but did have a laugh when my husband made it over the next day. "ThEy AlWaYs SlEeP lIKe AnGeLs" my butt, we were out of power for 3.5 days and the other 2 nights they slept much better but did have some moments and everyone heard those. Nowhere near as loud, long, or bad but those ones everyone recalled. I think part of it was guilt because they thought I was messing with them, oh no friends, not at all.
Hell week is over now and I won't bore you all with the additional stuff that happened, I'm just happy to be home and that I have a new way to mess with my family. I leave you with a quote from my older sister.
"When I went to sleep they were crying, then I had a dream they were crying, then I woke up and they were crying. All i could think, is is this what being a mom is like?". Yes, not all the time, but yes lol