The Wonderfold: Just Don’t


New member
Hopefully this is coherent. I’m trying to share my experience as far and wide as I can to hopefully spare others the fury.

The product is good but not remarkable; I’m happy when I’m actually able to use it but I would have been just as happy with the use of a similar wagon. My dissatisfaction comes entirely from the customer service department. My experience is too long to overtly detail so I’ll summarize with bullet points:
  • Bought the most expensive wagon, never received shipping info. Thankfully I found out the day before when I called them to inquire and I was able to be home to receive the package and not risk my large purchase (shipped in a VERY obvious box) getting stolen.
  • They sent the wrong wagon. After looking over their return policy, I realized I would probably be out my money for a whole month with no wagon, which I obviously don’t care for (but things like this can happen with small businesses). I reached out to customer service to get my shipping label generated ASAP and requested for the correct wagon to be shipped to me while the wrong one was in transit back to cut out some of this time; Wonderfold agreed. I had the wrong wagon in the mail an hour after they generated the label for me, but I received no communication on the movement for my correct wagon.
  • I reached out on a Friday morning (they close for the weekend) asking 1) Is my wagon on the way? 2) Will someone ensure I get that tracking email because last time I didn’t and I’m worried about theft. The individual who answered the phone (Isabel, I believe) interrupted me before I could get both questions out and, as I result, I got off the phone having forgotten to ask about the email. I gave them until 30 minutes prior to the days’ end and phoned again, because I need to be able to track such an expensive package if it’s on the way. Someone else answered the phone (Daisy, I believe) who shortly transferred me back to Isabel who routinely interrupted with “as I said earlier” (she didn’t) and “Like I said the first time you called” (again, she didn’t, because I didn’t get to ask the question) language. Basically just your standard customer service “I think you’re stupid and annoying and I want you to go away but make it work-friendly” language which I didn’t appreciate because literally none of this was my fault and I spent a lot of money to just get completely shafted by Wonderfold at this point.
  • I eventually got my wagon (still a month after purchasing, ridiculous). In the time since I flew with it and I had one safety part go missing and another incidental part get damaged. I called asking if I could pay to replace these parts and I was assured I could and told what they would cost, I just needed to email.
  • email relay with this company is excruciatingly slow (it seems so many replies take 5-7 business days) so I was very clear in my email that I wanted to purchase the replacement parts and to please invoice me ASAP. Instead of responding with the invoice, they replied (a week later) asking if I would be okay to pay the invoice, and that once I confirmed I would be they would send me the invoice… :) :) :)
  • I confirmed yet again I wanted to be invoiced. Another week goes by and I receive an email that my order is being processed. I replied saying that I STILL had not received an invoice and I would like to pay, please. They managed to respond with the invoice promptly. I’m told to expect my items about a week later on X day at the latest.
  • X day comes and goes, so I wait another week and reach out asking where my stuff is. Apparently one item was out of stock until the next month and they were waiting for a restock. I said 1) why had no one told me? and 2) I need the in stock item to use my wagon, so I need Wonderfold to send it right away. It stinks that they have to pay shipping on a separate order but that’s really not my problem, I just need the items I need to safely use the wagon. Sometimes businesses have to pay a little “tax” when they can’t line up their stock like this. I (the customer) shouldn’t be punished for that. I was ensured they would pass along the request but they couldn’t make any promises, and with us going into a holiday weekend I wouldn’t hear from anyone until Tuesday but they promised a phone call or email would come to talk to me. I requested email. Neither came.
  • I called again on Tuesday and, somehow, every time I call the lines are too busy so I YET AGAIN had to use an alternative form (email, instant message, or text). I chose text because IM wasn’t available. I texted with my order number saying my shipment was two weeks behind and I need it now. A day later I get a text back saying they’re processing it, is there anything else I need? I finally say I need a call now, because this company is incompetent and uncommunicative and I haven’t been able to use my wagon for over a month now because of it. They wound up calling while I was away from my phone, then texted to say that. I responded not long after that they could call again (I don’t know if it’s an outgoing-only number) but they never did.
  • I received my shipping notification just a few minutes ago. Both items are in the shipment. I truly feel like they just avoided me and bled the clock until they could skip out on having to deal with two shipments, which is such bullshit. I pay for a premium item but I get Walmart service with it. Unbelievable. It’s no longer a “small business” excuse, but a careless one that will surely crash and burn if they don’t figure it out. Great products can’t survive terrible companies.
I have “owned” a wagon 5 months but have only had 3 months of use of it because Wonderfold is terrible. DO NOT give them your money. If I could go back in time, I would never purchase from them. I 1000% recommend literally anyone else for the money.
@mira They literally have FedEx not deliver your wagon unless someone is home to sign off on the shipment when it is received, so why all that worry about theft? Someone was going to stand by your garage and sign on your behalf and steal it? They had me verify my name to make sure it matched their records before allowing me to sign off on it. I lagged to get to the door when they arrived because I was in the middle of giving my little one a bath due to a blow out and the FedEx guy was already back on his truck about to leave and I had to fling the door wide open and yell out to him that I was here to sign the delivery instead of them attempting delivery again the next day
@mattcarterwa All three of my shipments didn’t require signature. I’m worried about theft because of that and because these are commonly stolen in my area.
I also don't see why the airport/airline damaging your wagon is Wonderfold's responsibility... If you haven't noticed so many of their accessories are very popular and always out of stock. When they do stock up they sell out within MINUTES. So with that in mind, it was not utterly reasonable to expect them to just have your specific pieces on hold laying around for YOU, as if they were mind readers. Sure a heads up would have been nice but asking for clarification would had helped. I'm not affiliated nor sponsored or anything, I have the W4 Luxe purchased in April (it took 2 weeks to arrive, 7 days for them to ship it out and the rest of the time for it to arrive) and since then I've been stalking out to get all the accessories and have been keeping track on how long it takes for restocks to sell out, once it was within five minutes. I was shocked!! When I email them I get a response within 4 days and not a day more. Accessories you don't have to sign for during delivery, but for wagons you do.
I also don't see why the airport/airline damaging your wagon is Wonderfold's responsibility...

I never said it was.

If you haven't noticed so many of their accessories are very popular and always out of stock. When they do stock up they sell out within MINUTES. So with that in mind, it was not utterly reasonable to expect them to just have your specific pieces on hold laying around for YOU, as if they were mind readers.

I didn’t lose an accessory, I lost 1 safety clip and damaged one… umbrella arch? I forget what they called it, but they’re not items you can just buy online, you have to specifically email requesting the items because they’re miscellaneous pieces, not a magnetic buckle or an extra cup holder or whatever. So the “things sell out” doesn’t apply here.

Sure a heads up would have been nice

It would have been professional, and that’s my point.

but asking for clarification would had helped.

You said they’re not mind readers - but am I? It’s completely NOT my job to know their stock and to hold their hand through the parts replacement process to make sure they’re keeping me up to date on their end of the deal, yet that’s exactly what wound up happening, because they are incompetent. They should have emailed me immediately upon finding out that the package they promised would be delayed, but they did not.

I'm not affiliated nor sponsored or anything, I have the W4 Luxe purchased in April (it took 2 weeks to arrive, 7 days for them to ship it out and the rest of the time for it to arrive) and since then I've been stalking out to get all the accessories and have been keeping track on how long it takes for restocks to sell out, once it was within five minutes. I was shocked!! When I email them I get a response within 4 days and not a day more. Accessories you don't have to sign for during delivery, but for wagons you do.

I appreciate the brand loyalty you seem to have, but your experience isn’t universal. Again, I never once had to sign for delivery. Your accessory hunt is frustrating, but it has nothing to do with the experience I shared here because - again - I wasn’t asking for accessories, I was asking for replacement parts. No one is shopping for these unless they’re lost or damaged. My beef isn’t with the fact that they’re a slow running small business, it’s that’s they’re a poorly running small business. I don’t care that they promised they had something in stock, told me my shipment was on the way, and then realized their promise was bad and my shipment would have to wait - I’m upset because all that happened and they completely kept me out of the loop. They apparently bled the clock to avoid paying a few more dollars to ship twice so that I could use my product (the safety part was in stock, the extra part was not) which is just BAD business. That’s my point. They have good employees but also RUDE ones on their payroll. They communicate inconsistently and they straight up ignore you and don’t get back to you if you’re having an issue and being vocal about it (evidenced by the phone call they never returned and texts they just ghosted on).
@mira So sorry you had such experience. I personally love my wonderfold. I have the W4 Luxe 2.0. It arrived with a damaged part and after contacting wonderfold they sent out a replacement part right away. I do wish it was a bit wider though.
@prestontg I think we have the same wagon, and I agree on the width, I was surprised by that. I think if this company manages to do it right (like, by shipping the right products and whatnot) then they would be unstoppable. I’m big on my product recommendations (I literally am a product tester/reviewer ffs) and I just… I can’t make the product make up for the horrible company it comes from. I was so ready to make all my little product videos and everything for this but I don’t endorse it at all because of my experience with them.

I’m glad they did well with you, and I hope you never need to contact them again, or that if you do they’re actually swift and on top of it. There’s still time for them to correct their trajectory, and I genuinely hope they do.
@prestontg That’s way faster than direct. Apparently a tip to take away from this is if you do still buy one, order through a third party as much as possible! Someone else said something similar with their satisfaction with their third party retail purchase.
@mira So glad to see this! Of course everyone is all about the hype and while I want one, that price tag!!! And with awful CS it’s going to be a no for me.
Thank you for tour honesty!
@jorravn I’m glad to hear it was worth the time it took to write! Ha ha. I wanted one for… probably 1.5 years before pulling the trigger; I was SO excited and SO ready and SO sure it would be a “buy once, cry once” level of worth it for our large family, but alas it was not. The cry part has happened so many times because of the need to deal with the company. I’m going to try hard to buy alternative canopies and the like off of Etsy, accessories used or off-brand, but I can’t avoid dealing with them for some stuff and I’m very bummed about that.

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