The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

@kvn Really interesting data and I like the new ideas too. Thank you guys for all you too. Continually so glad I discovered this sub. Y’all are a real blessing, truly.
@kvn Only 500 users voted on the rules and answered the survey out of 30,000 subscribers and 80,000 unique visits/month?

I visit this subreddit almost daily (android app). Somehow I missed it!!
@kennethjoshua It was open for a week, and we posted a reminder in nearly every daily chat thread in that time. Ultimately, there's only so much we can do to get attention to these things.

That said, this sub has a lot of people who drift in and out and don't stick around much. 500 is probably a pretty good representation of posters who visit, hang around, and participate semi regularly.
@benjammin13 Yup, definitely. People sub but don't necessarily unsub when they move on.

How busy the daily threads are is a better way of measuring sub activity - and it's definitely high.
@emanuela The daily threads on this and the stilltrying sub are amazing. I've been on Reddit for 8 years now (this is my second account) and I think the only other sub that even comes close to it is /watches. Even then /watches is more of a "look what I'm wearing today" daily post rather than the in-depth discussions you get here.
@kvn I love all the data!! And love the new Thursday threads! I think that will be great. Thanks for all the hard work mods!! Looking forward to seeing who else gets added to the team!!