The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019


New member
Thank you to everyone who participated in our sub surveys last week! We appreciate everyone's thoughtful contributions and feedback.

Now, down to business.

First - Sub Demographics

We haven't seen a big change since our last survey at the end of 2017. The average TFAB user is 29.8 years old, lives in the United States, is TTC for #1, and has been trying for approximately 6 cycles or 7 months. She is almost certain to identify as female and primarily uses some form of Timed Intercourse (TI) with temping, OPKs, or other methods to track her cycle and have sex in the fertile window.

We made some pretty graphics for you to look at here!

TFAB has users from across the globe, the majority in North America, but with good representation in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Our users range from age 18 to 43, and for those who are currently trying, have been trying for a baby anywhere from 0 to 32 cycles.

Up next - Sub Feedback Results!!

Overall, the state of our sub is STRONG. We recently surpassed 30,000 subscribers and in the past three months, we've had over 80,000 unique vists per month!

Based on survey results, the majority of responders (over 89%) voted to keep the no BFP rule as it stands, and close to 70% of users voted to continue our policy of encouraging but not requiring a CW for sensitive topics such a loss, previous pregnancies, and living children.

Giveaway Thursdays - over 70% of responders voted to keep Thursday Giveaways as a regular weekly thread. However, based on the feedback, we've decided to move Giveaway Thursdays to Tuesdays to appear in conjunction with Temping Tuesdays.

Thursdays will now have one regularly occuring thread - Trying Again Thursday, and the mods are very excited to announce a new rotating Thursday thread!

Starting tomorrow and for every other week going forward, we will now have:

Wellness Thursday - It's no secret that TTC can have a major impact on your life and health - physical, mental, and relationship. What are you currently doing to help with these things? What are you currently struggling with? Look beyond the scale; this is for all types of health and wellness.

Starting next week and alternating with Wellness Thursday:

Thankful Thursday - TTC can be a very difficult time, but all of us have someone (or many someones) or something that helps keep us sane. Share what you're grateful for this week!

Regarding standalones, based on responder feedback, we will keep the automated message which appears for standalones with very little content or no post content. We've also adjusted our daily and weekly threads to sort by new in order to help out latecomers who may be overwhelmed with a thread with 300+ comments. As with anything automated, it may not be perfect, so please don't hesitate to use the report button if it seems to be an issue.

Some final business.

We are very sad to announce that @chanticleera is stepping down from her mod role. We thank her and appreciate all of her years of contribution to TFAB!

With this in mind, and with our newly increased sub activity, the mod team is looking to add four new members to the group! Next week we will create a nominations thread, and then open up voting in the week following. We would especially encourage non-US users and those early in their TTC journey to apply, though of course, anyone can be nominated regardless of location or length of time TTC.

A BIG thank you again to everyone who participated!
@kvn Pro-tip for those using an app: sort by suggested. Since the mods have set the dailies to sort by new that means you won't have to switch between sorting by hot/best when you're on other subs to new when you're on TFAB. Sorting by suggested means the comments on the dailies will automatically sort by new now so you don't have to constantly change your view preference depending which sub you're on.
@kvn Thank you! This is super interesting. I also love the new weekly subjects. And it’s comforting (in a weird way) to see the “28% have had a loss” which feels like it matches with the stats that you hear when you have a loss. (I will admit I really only started noticing the specific flairs with rainbows and MC’s after I had mine.) This community is awesome and such an amazing help when dealing with a stressful life adventure. Glad we can all be here for each other - let’s keep it up 💕
@tmur My husband is here on this sub too. He doesn't make his presence known. I think he's commented twice. We often talk about some posts together.
@tmur That's so weird since most of these women have a male partner and probably a good chunk of them are redditors too. It's kind of disappointing they wouldn't care enough to be part of this sub.
@muriels63 I dont think it has to do with caring at all. I think men are generally less analytical than women and tend to need less information to feel secure. At least that is the case for my husband who uses reddit, but whom is not an active member of this sub.
@kvn As someone close to my 30th birthday, TTC #1 for 7 cycles, I clearly fit right in here. 💜

Looking forward to these new threads. Wellness Thursday will be a perfect place for all the fitness chats I want to have!! 🙌

Thanks for all your hard work mods, you really are the best.