The Penguins Journey: OAD families in nature


New member
Fellow OADers, I implore you to take inspiration from the Emperor Penguin! While reading a beautiful story called "The Penguin's Journey" to my toddler, I was proud and impressed to see the representation of OAD families in nature, and I had to share.

If you don't know much about Penguins, I think they are a great example for OAD families (they are monogamous, the father holds the egg & keeps it warm through the incubation, the mother fishes and provides for them, and they typically have 1 baby due to the harsh conditions and availability of resources). Just a lot of great family roles/family structure concepts for young minds to feel connected to. I noticed nearly all the books we have about animal families (mostly fiction) are creatures with lots of kids, so it was refreshing to find an example of OAD in kids books that we could identify with.

Does anyone have any recommendations for OAD kid's books or OAD creatures in nature we could learn from?

EDIT: here's the book:
@kuhao1806 Oh goodness, love this! Thanks for sharing.

In nature, I really fell in love with Orangutans once I learned they only have one baby at a time (some have more than one baby in their lifetime, but if they do it's about 8-10 years between babies). Researchers believe this is so they can give the most care & resources to their baby. They've also been observed having some of the strongest animal connections between mom and baby which warms my heart.
@sapiens Looking for stories about animal families that are mom, dad, and 1 baby.

It doesn't need to be literal/nonfiction. Mostly just looking for story books that represent our family dynamic