The overturn of Roe V. Wade terrifies me

@marieb3 I am feeling this too. Not far from you, in FL. The south is not the best place to be. No easy states to access by car. And I keep thinking what if I need an emergency abortion? :(
@aaacosta09 We were supposed to start trying in September. There is a very severe trigger law going into effect in my state from almost 100 years ago. I am fortunate enough that I have the finances to be able to go to another state or Canada if needed to terminate for medical reasons, but then would I get prosecuted when I came back? There’s no where to even look this stuff up. How is it fair that health care can be treated differently by each state!?
@slaveofgodreturns Same - we live in Texas. I’m more concerned about what happens in an emergency and I can’t even get to another state. Like is the doctor going to let me deteriorate until I’m almost dead to intervene? What qualifies as grave enough to be a danger to the mother’s life?
@katrina2017 Yes! This too. I’m in Michigan so our governor has a lawsuit out that is preventing it going into effect, but some hospitals have come out and said that they will be following the old law. So basically it’s just a luck of the draw of what hospital you end up at here.
@aaacosta09 I can't stop crying. Having a baby is the only thing I've ever really wanted, and I've already waited so long. Now I don't think I will ever be able to afford to try. I can't make a safe choice to have the children I so desperately want because of a political game from a bunch of old white men who already have everything and couldn't just let us have this. They have to control everything. We are slaves.