@archangellover Sounds like the 12 month sleep regression. It's a good thing: it shows that your kiddo has been well-rested so far (so he has the energy to fight the nap) AND that his wake windows are getting a bit longer.
He sounds like my son. My son always has the shortest first WW and a looooooong last WW, and can easily stay up and party until forever if we let him. We went by the 3.5 hour rule: when the lower limit of his first WW reached 3.5 hours (wouldn't fall asleep before 3.5 hours no matter what, wakes up after one cycle happy and wouldn't go back to sleep despite being left for 15-20min), the upper limit of that WW reached 4.5 hours and we were able to push to 1 nap and get a decent length nap.
We took the route of pushing nap #1 to consolidate, and turning nap #2 into a bridge nap. What I would do:
-keep doing 1st nap on current WW, leave him for 15-20min after he wakes up so he has a chance to fall back asleep
-put him down in the crib for second nap for a full hour to fall asleep; if he falls asleep during the 2nd nap, you likely will need to start capping it esp if you start noticing him dawdling at bedtime and not falling asleep at his usual time
-if he doesn't fall asleep for second nap, get him up after one hour in the dark ("quiet time"), do quiet activities that evening, move bedtime up to 6 (can go earlier if he's acting super tired or you're starting to hear noises overnight or seeing early morning wakings suggesting sleep debt build up)
He will likely go back to taking both naps after a few weeks.
I wouldn't change the clocktime of either naps at this point. You could push second nap a bit later if you want to, but unless you cap nap very aggressively you may start getting bedtime resistance. I always try to keep bedtime consistent.
You can try one nap early bedtime days IF he wakes up after 6:30 (this will start happening as long as you are consistent with early morning wakings and do NOT get them up). In the beginning I wouldn't push the first WW more than 3.5 hours. As he gets older you can experiment pushing closer to 4 hours.
FWIW my son dropped his 3rd nap at 8mo and 2nd nap at 15.5mo, although after 12mo we did plenty of 1 nap days (either one nap early