The Dishwasher Saga

@achimthyulbert That's so nice, thank you! I really suck at telling stories in real life! Like I just butcher them bc I forget to add stuff and jump around. But it turns out that typing them out is fun since I can go back and add stuff when I forget.
@robertfoera I assure you, whenever you get a dishwasher, the saga will be worth it.

When I bought mine I didn't pay for the flight of stairs, just planned on nabbing husband and neighbours. The delivery guys showed up 4 hours early (why the hell ask me to book a time, eh?), and I spend a good 5 minutes convincing them it is okay to leave it on the lawn with me, some girl who could probably fit /in/ the dishwasher.

But yeah. You win the dishwasher drama trophy with that first part alone. :)
@ahcadvocacy Hahaha I feel like I should start asking people the story of how they got their dishwashers. My husband and I were talking about this last night - like, does everyone have to go through shit like this for one? Everyone seems to have them but they're impossible to buy! It's like buying a car - they're all over the place but you have no idea what kind of battle is involved in getting one until you try.
@robertfoera Heh, well, I would imagine it's a common first major appliance purchase for a lot of couples. Fridges, ovens, washing machines - all probably a similar nightmare.

I've started trying to be a little more decisive, and less researchy when shopping. When we bought our bed, I spent days reading about latex foam vs memory foam vs springs, do you need a cover, etc. Blerg. Adulting is hard.
@robertfoera I feel so bad for you because I have a countertop dishwasher in excellent condition that I am desperately trying to sell and nobody wants it.

I see you live in Canada. I live near there! Any chance you live in like... southeastern BC? Damn I want this dishwasher gone.
@noahvm Oh I would take that off your hands so hard if I lived in BC. I'm in Southern Ontario though :( I hope you manage to sell it soon. I have a huge busted one sitting in the middle of my tiny kitchen now and I have no idea what to do with it. Not sure if people buy them for scrap or parts? Ugh, maybe I'll just take a bat to it like in office space. That would be so satisfying.
@robertfoera I say you go back to kijiji guy's house and leave it there in his driveway. Bonus points if you include a voodoo doll of him stuck with pins, or light it on fire.
@noahvm Haha, damn I should've saved the Tim's cup of sludge for him! I think he may have been telling the truth though - it did work for 1 cycle after all. We spent all yesterday doing a post-mortem to try to figure out what exactly happened - mostly to determine if we should file the kijiji guy under asshole or not. Our main hypothesis is that the food skunch we cleaned out was actually key to the structural integrity of the seal, and that the first cycle post-cleaning was the straw that broke the camel's back. Maybe it did work when he did a test run a few months ago (he was renovating the apartment, so it may have been left behind by previous owners), but then maybe it sat there stewing with a bit of water inside and the door closed, eating away at the gasket and wiring. We'll never know. My god, I could talk about friggin dishwashers for ages.