THANKS I’m cured!!

@anthonyinalabama I’m sorry. I think struggling with ppa is a real thing a lot of others do not know about or just aren’t aware. And your mom friend seems like she is not aware of it. And I’m very sorry about that! It will get better day by day !
@anthonyinalabama I have PPD and my mother told me that when she had me her doctor told her to pick a date and “figure it out” by then. So I should just pick a date and I would be magically better by then! I opted for therapy and medication instead…
@alpinehi I appreciate you saying that. I think I’ll get there too one day, I’m working on it. We’ve even had our first sickness! It was covid and it was a doozy. The bigger problem is my head which has sickness LMAO! And that’s my whole point, but .. I’ll get there…
@anthonyinalabama Oh man, sorry that was their response to you! I mean, yea I get it. We can't helicopter over our babies, but whatever the is key! I'm a FTM too and I'm diagnosed with PPD. My LO got RSV at 3 months old from his cousin (who is a 2 year old kiddo that goes to daycare. And that's where he got it from). Thankfully everything was soooo mild and he got through it like a champ, but I felt soooo guilty and so angry about him getting sick. I obsessed over it.
My therapist told me essentially this: yes, kids will get sick. This isn't the last time he will get sick. It's really unfortunate and scary at first, but we have the tools to help them get through it. But also think about it in terms of social benefit. Yes, if you know the other kid is sick...keep them home, duh. But we don't always know this. And it would be so much worse developmentally to deprive your child of social interaction because you're afraid of the chance of them getting sick. There's actual real data behind this.
All this to say....we're all doing our best. Try to move forward with grace. I try to not let my PPD or PPA get in the way of my kid's development and opportunities. Unchecked anxiety eats away at our ability to bond appropriately with our babies too. It's ok to be anxious about germs. You're being a good mom by even caring! But also try not to let the anxiety take over. It's so, so hard to do, but our babies are worth it.
@johake Thank you for taking the time to write this, I resonate sooo much with everything you’re saying. I take my baby out to social gatherings with other kids because I know it’s crucial and I try really really hard not to micro manage every bit of his experience because of what im battling. I am ACTIVELY am fighting every thought in my head re germs, and the other children coughing, how close they are to his face, touching him or him touching objects around, how much time we’ve spent in an indoor place where people are coughing, does the child close to him have a runny nose, a rash on their cheeks, etc. etc. etc. It’s relentless and debilitating and to have someone treat that as just being like idk a flaw in my character, or that I’m high maintenance in my expectations for my child, I’m overreacting, or that I’m just naïve or something is so hurtful. It’s similar to the “just you wait” response from seasoned parents. It’s not helpful. Like you said we’re all just doing our best.

ETA- I’m really glad your little one was okay after the RSV! That is so concerning. What a little champ