Teacher wants to turn child psychologist (clinical route) - research experience needed


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As a Montessori teacher with four years of experience, my passion for child development has driven me to explore a career shift towards child psychology. Specifically, I'm deeply interested in the areas of ADHD and the Polyvagal Theory. (I have ADD myself). I'm investigating both Master's and PhD programs to facilitate this transition. (I already had a M.Ed in Education and Creative Arts)

While I understand the critical role research experience plays, particularly in PhD programs, I haven't had formal opportunities in this area yet. However, my teaching background has equipped me with transferable skills such as observation, data analysis, and clear writing and communication. Additionally, having worked with over 100 students diagnosed with ADHD has provided me with firsthand insights into this population.

I'm seeking guidance on two key areas:

Gaining Research Experience: Are there specific avenues to explore research opportunities relevant to ADHD and the Polyvagal Theory? How can I best leverage my existing skills and experience to contribute to research endeavors?

Strengthening Graduate School Applications: How can I effectively translate my teaching experience into a strong application for graduate programs in child psychology?

Thank you

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