Tailbone pain-tips?


New member
I’m almost 7 months postpartum and still have excruciating tailbone pain. It definitely gets worse after I sit for a while, but sometimes I can’t avoid sitting. Anyone out there experience something similar/ have any treatments that helped?
I’m considering a chiropractor or physical therapist but don’t want to spend a lot of $$ if I can help it, and would rather do something effective first.

Thanks 😊🙏🏼
@biblicism It's very likely due to your pelvic floor, so I would recommend seeing a pelvic floor therapist. A good one can actually adjust your tailbone and pull it up. In the meantime definitely get yourself a tailbone cushion and make sure to sit forward on your sit bones as often as possible, rather than leaning back and putting undue pressure on your coccyx.
@biblicism I had horrendous tailbone pain. I saw a pelvic floor pt who said there are ligaments from the pelvic floor attached to the tailbone. I had to do a fair amount of stretching due to second degree tear, but the pain gradually healed. IMO pelvic floor pt is the way to go.