Switching formula brand


New member
So my baby is 7 months old and he’s 75% breastmilk fed and 25 percent formula fed. I’m thinking on switching to only formula. He’s currently drinking enfamil gentleease but wanted to switch to kendamil organic. Can I switch the formula cold turkey or do I slowly transition it? Is it harmful to switch brands suddenly. ( im still planning on giving him breast milk until I wean him off) but for now I want to do 50 breastmilk 50 kendamil
@holl We switched cold turkey to kendamil classic with 0 issues around 2 months old! It’s not harmful, worst case is some extra gas but for my girl specifically there was only improvements because she was having a hard time with gentlease
@holl It’s not harmful at all! Some babies may have a transition period where they’re a bit gassier, poop changes a bit but some don’t at all!! It tends to happen the younger they are. At 7 months I’m sure you’ve introduced solids a bit?? So baby is probably used to trying different & new things as well. Also ready to try new things, the digestive track is much stronger!! But never actually harmful. I have always switched formulas cold turkey, no breastmilk and my kids never showed any issues with it. My baby loves Kendamil by the way!!
@holl It’s not harmful to switch cold turkey. Your LO just may not be all for the taste lol if LO isn’t for the cold turkey switch you might have to do a gradual change. It’s what I had to do when I changed my LO’s formula at 7 months old. He had a fit at the new cold switch. He did not like it at all lol so I did a 4 day transition period of day 1 - 75/25, day 2 - 50/50, day 3 - 25/75, and day 4 - 0/100.
@firmamentalist Ok thank you! So I’m still giving him pumped milk so I mix the kendamil with the breastmilk or do I do the two different formula and breasmilk if I have to transition
@holl I only formula feed so I don’t have full knowledge on breastfeeding and switching. But I think you would mix the two formulas together for a gradual change then gradually wean him from the breastmilk.
@holl We just switched our baby last month to kendamil from Similac sensitive. We also combo feed with bottles of pumped bm. I was terrified of gas messing with her sleep so we did 3 days of 75%/25% Similac to kendamil, then a few days 50/50, few days 25/75 until she was on no Similac. She did great. At this point she's 8mo and my goal is to slowly wean pumping by the time she's 10/11mo. Right now she's at like 30-40%bm and the rest formula.
@holl There's nothing wrong with switching cold turkey between formulas, breast milk, and even (later at 12mo) onto whole milk. We always switched cold turkey when we swapped formulas - which was very frequently during Great Formula Shortage 2022 cuz baby got what we could find and it wasn't always the same formula.