Suppose to be happy, but I’m stressed


New member
Trigger Warning: Pregnancy Loss

After 2 chemical pregnancies, trying for a year and fertility treatment with hormones we got the positive we were praying for! I took the trigger shot (ovulation injection) and had timed intercourse September 20th and 21st. With those calculations and date of my last period, I should be 6 weeks 5 days today.

I went into for my first ultrasound nervous but so excited. Doctor said “look a heartbeat” and I was in happy tears! Then she says I’m only only measuring 6 weeks pregnant and have a hematoma. Also, my progesterone has dropped from 24.9 to 16.7. All my happy tears have turned into sad, very sad tears. I am torn and scared. Any advice appreciated.
@triceratops Well please do be happy. Look, if it turns out to be bad news, no amount of steeling yourself for bad news will make it better. Pregnancy if everything goes well is a marathon of worry and you have to hold onto the happy moments too or you'll be a wreck.
I'm not an expert on your process here but I don't think the dating of the embryo is that precise that a few days off is a concern. And a hematoma isnt a death sentence either.
Let your doctor advise you on what it all means of course but just focus on that heartbeat and try and take the rest as it comes.
@triceratops I had a hematoma even pregnant with both my boys, my and they are currently 7 and 18 years old, so it worked out just fine :)

I've since had two losses and just got pregnant again (4+4) and I'm terrified of something going wrong, so I do understand. I'm trying to tell myself "I'm pregnant today", and to be happy about that, and try to not stress about what might happen. I'm not always successful, but I'm trying.