Supply dropping off. Desperate for advice!

@angelmtz1992 Extra tip because the others have said most of it already, try to drink some alcohol free malt beverages - midwives in Germany sweat on it (friends have done it and their supply grew). Idk where you’re located at ? But in the USA. I simply ordered it off Amazon. Malta Goya it’s called. I hate malt beverages. So I have them ice cold. Karamalz was too expensive in my opinion to order over Amazon. But if you got an international store close by you could get lucky.
@angelmtz1992 Around this time baby is making a big switch to table foods, so it's natural for supply to go down a bit. Just keep latching, staying hydrated, and try to not stress to much about (easier said I know)
@angelmtz1992 It’s the stress same thing happened to me😩 but I got through it and my supply went back up. I cut out caffeine and ate fatty foods when I was stressed and it really helped