Suggestions on 50/50 schedules. Dad purposely got fired to start a food business


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I’m 30-year-old female separated from 30-year-old male husband. We have a 2 1/2 year-old. Dad quit well purposely got fired from his 9-5 career. His reasoning for not wanting to work that job was was because he was exhausted of working a 9-5 and being unhappy. We initially and have been doing 50/50 with every other weekend but due to his recent food business. He sells food at events Thursday-Sunday so he doesn’t see our daughter. I work M-F and have had to get a 2nd job, which I only work on the weekend I don’t have our child. Our child goes to Daycare Monday through Friday Dad. Recently mentioned that he wanted to try a new schedule; which would make me have her every weekend which I don’t think is very fair because I feel I need a break too but also I work my second job on those days.

He has child: S,M,tues

and I have her W,TH,F,S

I came up with:

Sun: Dad
M: Me
T: Dad
W: me
Th: me
F: Dad
Sat: rotate

I see that our child would see her dad more but I just don’t see how it’s fair to me when I have two jobs when he chose to quit/purposely got fired from his six-figure salary job and to now just making $1000 here and they and not able to contribute anything towards our child. I just feel extremely burnt out and want what’s best for our child. Thank you for advance on any advice or examples of schedules.
@stevish74 You need to call a family law attorney and get a child support order. Now, because then child support will be based on his salary at his previous job. The court doesn't just let you blow off your kid because you want to start a business, and tons of people do it just to try to get out of child support. I believe this is your husband's plan. The problem is you must act quickly before his new non-salary becomes the status quo.

If changing the parenting time is not agreeable to you then just refuse to do that.
@stevish74 I think his schedule makes the most sense. Every other day is a ridiculous schedule.
With dad's schedule you could reduce childcare costs.

After custody and placement are decided, then you can determine child support. You can request that some of his past income be used to calculate his potential earnings.
@stefana I agree, his schedules makes more sense. That said, you do need a break and so often - not always - men somehow seem to get out of their custody arrangements. It's a slow trickle until they have little to no time. I say this from experience.

He needs to figure this out without placing extra burden on you. If heaven forbid something happened to you, he'd have to figure it out. He needs to start building that muscle now.