Such sweet relief


New member
My ex and I got married so he could adopt my kid. We were together for five years total, married for nearly three. That entire time I begged him to do anything. I said I’d find and hire a lawyer. Of course he didn’t want to “waste the money,” so he said he’d file the paperwork himself. (HA) Nearly a year later, I asked him how it was going. “Well I emailed ONE lawyer and he never got back to me.” Soooooo… you immediately gave up. Yup. Checks out.

But now? I am SOOO thankful he can’t ever follow through! No adoption. No legal claim. He’s even dropped the facade of caring. Now I can cut ties and leave and I N E V E R have to deal with him again!! Because he was too lazy to do the one thing he claimed to want!!!! I am so thankful his apathy has done some good finally.