Success with twins measuring differently at 6w?


New member
EDIT/UPDATE: thanks all for the responses. We unfortunately both twins stopped growing around 8w.

(Cross posting) We learned this week we have two gestational sacs after a long road of TTC. We’re thrilled and really hope both stick but the doctor seems concerned since the larger sac is likely empty and the smaller one seems behind (although it is more developed). Any similar stories with success (either one or both surviving)? Here’s our @spiritualtranscendence info:

Scan at 5w (+ 2 to 4 days): saw one gestational sac measuring 8.13mm x 5.59mm, but no yolk sac or fetal pole. HCG was 7,000 the day before

Scan 6/4 at 6w (+ 1 to 3 days): two gestational sacs! The larger one had something hazy in it, but maybe empty so the doctor didn’t measure it at all. I think it was almost double the size of the smaller. The smaller one had gestational sac size of 6.7mm, yolk sac of 3.54mm, and a fetal pole.

I’m going back next week for a rescan. Thank you much in advance!
@newlife1700 My littlest, born at 1 pound 13 ounces, was smaller than his brother the whole time. I don't remember the first scan though because we were in so much shock.

We were told that we may have to make a tough choice in letting him go to save his brother. We held on and at 30 weeks both were born. They're 2 now and the smartest and sweetest little boys.
@newlife1700 The 7000 HCG at 5 weeks sounds like a GREAT sign! And 6wks is still super early so I think fetal pole would be hit or miss. I know how stressful this process is and waiting another week is like excruciating. We were TTC for yearss with losses and I’m currently 28wks with twins. Miracles happen - never lose hope for a second! Sending you so much love and twin dust!!!!!
@newlife1700 Yeah one was at one point 6 days behind, I think that was at about 7 weeks. At 6 weeks they couldn’t see the heartbeat of the second twin. I’m now 26 weeks pregnant with both :)
@newlife1700 I’m 20w with twins and they’re still measuring differently. They were like 3 days apart at 8 weeks and then one day apart at 12 and at 20 now they’re 4 days apart.
@newlife1700 Yes! They were saying our little girl was always a few pounds smaller than our boy during our high risk ultrasounds. We were told multiple times that she would end up in NICU bc of her size. They were born 8 weeks ago she was 5.4 pounds and he was 6.4 pounds. No NICU for neither one.