Subchorionic Hemorrhage


New member
Hey y’all. I’m 14 weeks and I’ve had bleeding since about 4-6 weeks. My midwife says SCH although it didn’t show up at my 8 week ultrasound. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this with a positive outcome and around what week it resolved. I’m a nervous wreck.
@hafelemyhome I had one, bled from expected period through 12wk, wasn’t caught at my 7 and 8 week scan, I went back for heavier bleeding at 9wk and they saw it, and said that’s what it was. Unless it’s abnormally large there’s no reason to be scared! They typically resolve on their own, at 20wk anatomy scan ask them to look for it and see if it’s still there! My son was born about two weeks ago and is healthy and beautiful!
@hafelemyhome Interesting that it can’t be seen on an ultrasound. Is this common? How would they know it’s an SCH than?

I had one from week 5 (seen on ultrasound) that was then seen on multiple ultrasounds up until week 13.

My fertility specialist was very strict about it though — especially the first few weeks when we didn’t know if it was still an active bleed (or just old blood). My treatment plan was:
  • progesterone supplements
  • sick leave from work (3 weeks — until they confirmed it was getting smaller)
  • modified bedrest (staying off my feet)
  • no exercise
  • no heavy lifting
  • no car rides except appointments
  • no sex
  • rest rest rest
After a few weeks, I was allowed to move around again but told to keep taking it easy and to still rest lots.

By week 13 it was completely gone. Fetus looking/ measuring perfect and healthy 😊

Take care of yourself!! Sending love 💕💕🙏

Ps. I do think my treatment plan was on the extreme side from what I’ve heard from others. Both myself and my fertility specialist took the “better safe than sorry” approach and think. Not all SCH are treated this way.
@hafelemyhome I do live in a busy European city with lots of narrow, hilly, bumpy, twisty roads…. So maybe that’s why haha (the impact of the bumps / jolts of the turns?)

Good luck with your ultrasound 🙏