Subchorionic Bleed at 6w


New member
Hi guys! 6w4d according to my LMP, I had an ultrasound today and saw baby measuring at 6w6d and a heartbeat of 121 which sounds great to my limited knowledge!

They also found a subchorionic bleed “along the left lateral margin of the gestational sac
measuring 2.8 x 0.5 x 1 cm.” I’m freaking out. This is my 7th pregnancy with 4 MC (three being MMC the last in December) all I can think is I’m going to miscarry this beautiful healthy baby. What can I do?

My OB is closed for the weekend and I’m totally panicking. Is that huge for a subchorionic bleed? Is it small? Am I doomed? I’m already on 200mg progesterone, is there anything else I should be doing to help?