Struggling with your baby wrap? Maybe this will help!


New member
Not sure if this has been posted before, but I found this video to be super helpful with learning how to use my baby wrap!

It was kinda a pain, and even a bit stressful, trying to figure out how to use the wrap. However, after watching this a couple times I was able to get LO (4 or 5 weeks at the time) wrapped up quickly and in a way that was comfortable for her to!

Hope this helps other mamas too!

Edit: I have a moby wrap, she has a different wrap in this video, but same concept!
@thomas15 I must have watched approximately four billion "how to tie your baby wrap" videos and honestly the biggest leap forward was getting a friend who'd done this with two kids to come round and help. Nothing beats face to face and hands-on troubleshooting.
@thomas15 Just an FYI for those who may not want to click the link, this is a STRETCHY wrap tutorial, not a woven.

Edit: And good for you, OP! It's great once you get the hang of it, isn't it?
@bvl It sometimes takes a bit for them to realize you're not going to drop them! Soothing them by patting their bum or bouncing until they settle (might take a few minutes) and doing it daily for as long as they tolerate is a good place to start! My baby loves the wrap but would scream bloody murder when I first put her in. I only persevered because I knew she really did like it. She's learned now (4 months old) and doesn't fuss anymore when I put her in and adjust it
@kevintri99 My daughter will tolerate it sometimes, but she really hates facing me. Like even just carrying her around, she wants to face out always. So at least in a few months I can carry her facing out if nothing else. If she is sleepy enough I can usually get her to fall asleep in the wrap. We will keep trying though. Need more practice. We usually struggle so hard getting in and out and tied that she’s usually pissed and I’m usually sweating and frustrated!
@bvl Stretchy or woven wrap? :D

Also... that's a great idea. She does love facing out but I never do that at bedtime! I'll try it, thanks!
@kevintri99 Hi! Fancy seeing you here! I just bought my first woven wrap yesterday. I’ve been using an ergobaby, a ring sling, and a baby ktan (now outgrown) up to now. Take one did not go wonderfully - I was trying front wrap cross carry - but am going to keep at it. Babe is just shy of three months now. Hopefully we get the hang of it!
@skendit I actually hate FWCC! I find kangaroo easier. We definitely need more practice though. We have a long way to go. Most days I just use my meh tai because it’s easier.
@kevintri99 Yeah, I was obsessed with the baby ktan till a couple weeks ago when babe really started feeling saggy in it (I’m guessing she’s 13-14lbs now), so I’ve been trying to figure out other, more supportive options. We had a hand-me-down ergo that we have just started using, but the waistband is super sweaty in the summer heat, so I decided to buy a wrap and see how I like it! We practiced this morning and I washed some dishes while wearing her, and it was good but I think my technique still needs some work.
@kevintri99 Oh my god, the butt pats are life changing for my baby and I. I can get him to relax in literally any position if I pat his butt. I even made up a little butt patting song and I sing it to him all the time now.