Struggling and maybe regretting SAHP decision??


New member
I’m struggling lately. My 4.5 and 2 year old are really wearing me out. I was so into gentle parenting before I decided to stay with them (about 6 months ago) and now I just fly off the handle and yell. They fight with each other all the time. Before they were apart much more and so there wasn’t really fighting.

We try to get out of the house as much as possible but sometimes I just want to play in our yard or play with our toys. But I always seem to regret it because they are fighting or we sit to do an activity and my 2 year old is eating the markers/crayons/playdoh.

I don’t know I just wonder if I made a mistake. My 4.5 is in preK 5 hours and day and my 2 still naps about 2 hours of that. My partner works 12 hour days but it still shouldn’t be this hard??
@ahead I actually think this sounds really hard. Partner gone 12 hours? That is a lot. The fighting wears on everyone. When do you get time away? It's really crucial for mental health. In the end, one persons good is another's "too much." You have to listen to yourself and honor how you feel. For me, going back to work pt to get a break has helped immensely. But I struggled too long trying to live up to an ideal of what I thought I should handle. I regret that.