Spotting brown/black blood for almost 3 weeks


New member
Okay so I’ve been on birth control continuously for 4 years. I have a rare auto immune disease that makes me allergic to the progesterone that my body creates. When I have my period I break out in hives all over that are more like welts. I’m worried that I’m actually getting my period and I’m going to break out in hives and I’ll have to get my first steroid shot since June of 2020. The autoimmune disease is autoimmune progesterone dermatitis. Im really tempted to just get a full hysterectomy due to not wanting to get my period I wouldn’t wish this autoimmune disease on my worst enemy. I can’t have kids like am I just spotting because I’ve continuously taken birth control for 4 years and my body is finally like f you or idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol I’m 35 and I thought possibility I was going through perimenopause as i have had terrible hot flashes and night sweats the last 6 months