SOS - Save Our Supply


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FTM, girly is a few days shy of 12 weeks.

The last few weeks, I feel like my supply has drastically decreased. We breastfeed most of the time, I pump at least twice a day for the freezer stash and so my husband can help with feeding. I used to wake up full and hard. I would feed and still pump 6-8 ounces.

The last 3 weeks or so, I haven’t been waking up full. I get maybe an ounce or two when I pump. What happened?? E haven’t had to dip into the freezer stash yet but I’m so afraid baby isn’t going to get what she needs.

What should I do to increase supply? Pump more? Does the tea work? SOS!!
@bubbasam Ohh I made these pumpkin oatmeal colors a few weeks ago that seemed to do wonders for supply. Maybe I’ll make those again, I didn’t realize pumpkin helped with supply!
@bubbasam There are some that actually have a fear of sunflowers, it even has a name, Helianthophobia. As unusual as it may seem, even just the sight of sunflowers can invoke all the common symptoms that other phobias induce.
@miss_kim Sounds like your supply has regulated! It’s perfectly normal, and your baby is more than likely still getting what she needs. If you still want/need to increase supply, the best way to do so is to remove milk to signal your body to produce more. Squeeze in an extra pump session or two, or offer the breast to your little one more frequently.

Also, WATER. Water, water, and then when you think you’ve drank enough water, drink one more glass. Hydration is so important while breastfeeding and pumping, and will help your supply too. You may also want to drink something with electrolytes to ensure you’re actually absorbing all that hydration - body armor and coconut water are both good for this.
@eve_marie 3 months was when breastfeeding finally got good for me! No more leaking in the middle of the night, firm/uncomfortable breasts, or mastitis yet still plenty of milk. The only downside I saw was that pumping didn't trigger my letdown as easily. Could that possibly be what's happening when you pump? Does baby seem full after feeding?