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I had a more in depth conversation with my fiancé today. My IUD removal appointment is 9/12 and I was hoping to start trying right away but he wants to wait until January/February. His career is significantly busier in the summer so it makes more sense to aim for our baby’s birthday being in the fall or winter so he could take more time off to support us. We’re both young (I’m 23 and he is 25) so I do hope it will happen in the window we aim for.

The funniest part is that we’ve been together nearly 4 years and I’ve had my mirena IUD for 5, so he’s actually never experienced me on my period! I remember my period being fairly mild as a teen so hopefully it doesn’t scare him away! I already bought a big pack of organic pads (I don’t remember those existing much as a teen) and I’m going to get fertility-friendly lube and hopefully he doesn’t judge me lol!

He gave me a goal of how much money I should save between now and September 2023 (the earliest baby would be due and I would SAH) and I think it’s a feasible amount. I recently got promoted and I’m already making huge payments towards my debt.

My goals are:
1) pay off my credit card debt
2) save up $X that my fiancé recommended
3) continue to go to the gym 1-2 times/week
4. Declutter our home!
5) be mindful of what I put into my body

I love reading everyone’s posts & comments so I’d love to hear about your own goals and thoughts here.
@raebee We are in the same boat time-frame wise. Jan-Apr conception time would be easier for sure for the same reasons.

Obviously it might not happen that way but that's what this whole Subreddit is about! We want to try to make it as perfect as possible!

Good luck!
@raebee My partner and I are both October birthdays, and the school year here starts in September, so at the very least we don't want to start trying until it'd give us a Sept due date, but we think Oct would be ideal. We've agreed to my December cycle but I'm trying to angle for Nov as I'm due to ovulate really late in the month.
@raebee I know you’re trying g to save money right now, but if there is room in the budget, I HIGHLY recommend thinx underwear for your period. You can wear them for 12 hours, and honestly, for me it’s like I’m not even on my period. The sleep shorts are a game changer. If you wait until Black Friday, there might be some deals to help you save money.

I have also used and really liked my DivaCup, although I use it less now that I have Thinx. I believe it is also good for 8 or 12 hours. There’s a bit of a learning curve with getting it in there right, but overall it’s very convenient if you work outside the home.
@pilgrim8926 I appreciate it, I’ve been looking into Thinx a little bit! Does it feel “dry” down there when you wear it? I’ve always loathed the bulkiness of pads, but I can’t stand soggy tampon strings! I even use panty liners every now and then because I hate the feeling of sticky down there lol!