Social art for your kiddos!


New member
Had a blast trying this out with my pre-teen and her friends. Thought it might be fun for those with artistically inclined littles, or you know, those of us who feel like we're super close to playing Lord of the Flies: The Home Game :p

Thanks to @nep91 for being a mom-v-p! (x-posted from r/raisingkids)

>Our son, who's 12, has been quite happy during the pandemic, bonding with friends online, mostly while shooting them [insert eye roll]. Meanwhile, our 9 year old daughter, who's more of a creative spirit, has been pretty isolated, and struggling. So I built a site that lets her draw online with friends. She loves it! Please pass it along to anyone else who might benefit:


>It's free. Just launched – feedback very welcome!

>~ Emily