So I’ve been trying to keep a set wake up time is 7-8 am too big of a range?


New member
I try to get her up at 7 and sometimes she wakes up on her own but sometimes she just wants to sleep more. She cries when I try to wake her up and goes back to sleep if I leave her alone. Today in particular I wanted her to be awake at 10 so I wanted her to wake at 7, nap at 9 but she didn’t, and now her nap is going to coincide with the event we are going to. She’s 6 months. Her WW are usually 2/2.15/2.30/3 depending on how her naps are that day. Bedtime is 8-8:30.
@onguard We did the wake between 7-8am for a long time, enjoy it while it lasts! I found it nice to have the flexibility with timing like you mentioned about LO being awake at a specific time.
My LO is 10 months now and with the longer WW's I have to wake her up at 7am, or bedtime just gets pushed too late. I do miss those 8am mornings I must say.
@onguard Personally I think 7-8 range is fine. We actually don’t ever wake our baby and he usually falls in that range on his own. Once in a very rare blue moon he’s slept till 830 and it’s glorious lol
@onguard I kept timing more loose because babes naturally fell into a bit of his own schedule anyway. I think 7 - 8am is perfect. Gives you some time to sleep in or make some coffee 😉☕

For example (mind you, my babe is 10 months now)

Wake up is 6:00 - 6:30am

First nap follows pretty closely behind still, it's around 7:30 - 8:00 am

Naps for however long he needs (yup!)

Usually around 2 to sometimes 3 hours.

Second nap is around 12:30 - 1:00pm depending on how the first nap went, sometimes it's later around 2:30pm.

Bedtime is 6:30pm - 7:00pm.

for me waking up baby before he was ready was just making the both of us miserable lol. I just follow how long his wake windows should generally be and he's a happy camper.

Sometimes they're growing a need more sleep. Sometimes they need less. So a super strict schedule won't always be the answer.
@onguard Trying to understand your question - do you want a set wake up time consistently, or are you asking if sometimes waking up as early as 7am, and sometimes as late as 8am is OK?

If you're asking about waking up at different times different days, I say go for it if it works for your LO and she adapts easily. We use a range and just go by wake windows (not the clock). It definitely works for us, so if that's what you're looking for and it works for you, I don't think there's anything wrong with having a bit of a window, assuming that you still follow wake windows and your LO still naps decently (although 6 months is right around when they start consolidating their naps, so it may be hard to tell right now if naps are affected at all).

We also have a large window for bedtime based on wake windows and naps (anywhere from 7:30pm to 8:30pm), and mine just goes with the flow. Probably wouldn't work for everyone, but if it works for yours, I'd say go for it.
@crusader85 She has a late bedtime cause her father works late often and won’t get to see her if I put her to sleep too early. Plus I like sleeping in a little too haha
@onguard The rule as per our sleep coach is that anything before 6am is considered a night waking. So cannot be out of bed before 6am

7am is the latest to be up. So wake at 7am if still sleeping.

12 hours max in bed overnight.

So if bedtime is 6am, has to be up at 6am.

If bedtime is 6:30am, can be up between 6am and 6:30am

If bedtime is 8pm, has to be up between 6am and 7am

It’s been working really well for us so far
@onguard We had an hour and it worked well for us. We accept any wake after 6. If she isn’t up by 7 we wake and start the day. We also have a firm bedtime so just capped naps or extended ww throughout the day if she woke early or later.
@onguard Earlier bedtime means earlier wake time. If my lo goes to sleep past 8 pm, he more than likely isn’t going to happily wake up prior to 8 am. I keep a 12 hour space for night sleep. I aim for naps at a minimum of 50 minutes. I don’t stress over it being longer than that, 50 minutes is one complete sleep cycle for a baby so I’m comfortable with that. He recently transitioned to 2 naps but at 3 naps he was napping every 2-2.5 hours. Anything past 2.5 was too long and he was pretty cranky. Now he regularly goes 3-4 hours between naps and he’s fine, but he also naps for a bit longer. Usually an hour or two per nap now.
@onguard It just depends on what works best for your family. For me, that’s too big of a range. That will make naps/bedtime too all over. I’d say 7-730 is a good range. Try waking at 7 every day. If there’s a rough night, late bedtime, shots, etc let her sleep until 730 is she’s still asleep. That’s how I’d handle it!