So bad it’s good?


New member
I think I have a name picked out for my baby. She’s due in four months, so I still have time if this name sucks. I was thinking about Betty Jean. I said it jokingly at first (baby, Kevin… Baby Betty ha ha ha), but the more I think about a baby named Betty, the more it seems like an actual option. Like if I met a baby named Betty, I would laugh and then be like, yes. In the new world of babies being named story, ocean and techno, I think it would be endearing AF to meet a baby named Betty. What do you guys think? Jean is my MILs middle name, so that’s where Jean came from. I’m avoiding using Betty as a nickname because I don’t really like the names that this would be a nickname of and I’m not a big fan of nicknames because I find them sort of confusing.

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