Small Gestational Sac

@imaginedragons I just had a 10w2d scan this morning with my regular OB after graduating from my fertility clinic and she said she’s not concerned about sac size at this point with strong heartbeat and baby moving around. I’m still nervous but NIPT results come back next week and then going in for a 13 week NT scan. What about you? Hope everything is going well!🙏🏼
@victoria20 That’s good news! I hope the NIPT comes back quickly. Our NIPT was ready three days after the test on Labcorps so I was able to see the results from them and it took like a week and half for my OBGYN practice to upload it on patient portal. Hopefully yours comes back quickly. We tested negative for everything on the test so that was very good. 11 weeks and 2 days now and hopefully everything is still good 🙏🙏🙏. My next appointment is May 22nd.
@romans82 Hi! Could you expand on this? I’ve been a little nervous my IVF doctor didn’t mention anything at my scan this week about the smaller GS but would love to know more about positive outcomes with IVF and smaller gestational sac size. The forums can be a bit daunting to dig through.
@dethgoddess So my FET baby was always measuring on time, but she was super squished and the GS was consistently measuring a week behind… typically in naturally-conceived pregnancies (in the absence of a SCH, which can compress the GS), this a sign of a chromosomal abnormality and leads to a MC in a good percentage of pregnancies. However, in FET pregnancies, a small GS in relation to the size of the fetus is less likely to have a bad outcome. I don’t know the reason for it, it’s just what I was taught by my RE and what I’ve seen while researching. And my FET baby girl is 19 months old and healthy 🤗🥰
@romans82 Thank you so much! Mine was also a FET, and I have a VERY tiny SCH that seems to be healing. I was just surprised when I saw the measurements but my RE didn't mention anything about it or share concerns. I really appreciate this response and I will hold onto this thought until I see my regular OBGYN for my 12 week appt on Monday!
@imaginedragons @FiFiLB I am going through the same thing. How is everything going for you now?

Had my first ultrasound at 9w3d. Baby measuring a week behind. GS measuring 13 days behind. Heartbeat was great.

I’m confident of when I ovulated. Very worried and feels impossible to wait for my next ultrasound.
@kbbird Im 16 weeks and everything is still looking good. Early morphology scan was this past Wednesday. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

It’s very anxiety inducing- I’ve been staying busy golfing and walking as much as I can. It’s helped a lot with keeping my head clear. I hope you have a good outcome