Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced


New member
Hi all,
Wife has just hit 39 weeks, with some rising blood pressure of late (no other issues). So they sent us off to Labor and Delivery and we are now just waiting to start the induction process!
I've been lurking here for almost two years, through two tough miscarriages, and now 9 mostly sucessful months. Reading this sub through the years has kept me calm and sane, but also made me feel as prepared as possible. Thank you all for the good advice! See you on the other side, with my baby girl in tow!
@scottd Thank you! She's had regular highish blood pressure from the beginning, and had been really spiking at the end. Though there were no other symptoms, docs wanted to induce at 39 weeks to get ahead of preeclampsia.
@drusilla Gotcha. I was curious because I'm leery of Doctors that want to induce for convenience rather than need, but that sounds like a perfectly good reason. My wife is 32w right now, so I was just wondering. Hope all is well!
@drusilla Congrats man! I've been through 2 inductions (one at 39 and one at 40) and they can be very long days/nights. But each time they've been worth it. Good luck! Make sure you take the time to eat during the slow parts, and be ready for the crazy ride that comes at the end when you're both already exhausted. Fortunately the baby sleeps a lot the first day so get some rest and don't let visitors over run you and the new mom.