Short torso/thin frame help


New member
Struggling to find a carrier that fits my body and doesn’t hurt. I’m 5’7”, but incredibly short waisted (ribs can touch my hip bones if I bend in certain ways) and kind of bony with narrow shoulders. Young toddler is 13 months and 24 pounds.

I have really struggled with carriers that have structured waist bands e.g. lillebaby. No matter how much I adjust, they just don’t sit well on my frame and very quickly start to chafe my hip bones. I did best with a moby wrap because I could keep him tight to my body but he’s outgrown that now. I went to a baby wearing specialist who recommended apron styles- specifically happy baby. Rented one and tried back wearing. And was surprised to find it was SO uncomfortable. Straps dug into my collar bones and shoulders. Any looser and it was falling off my frame. So I’m thinking I need something with more padding? At a bit of a loss
@testimony2share You might like meh dai style carriers. They have a panel like a structured carrier but the straps and waistband are long and tie like a wrap.

If you primarily want to back wear kiddo Onbuhimo style carriers have no waistband, they go on like a backpack and kiddo sits up high on your back. They can see over your shoulder.

You could also do woven wraps, there’s more of a learning curve but you can really customize your fit and tie it in different ways.

Ring slings would also work, but they’re not as secure and you can’t back carry. Some people love them, some people hate them. I’m somewhat in the middle, I don’t mind them but it’s never the first carrier I reach for. It can be tiring having all of baby’s weight on one shoulder.