She just turned 4…


New member
& I swear I just look at her and think dang - where the heck did this enjoyable thing come from?! I feel the past 4 years I have been unable to connect easily and E N J O Y her because the tantrums were NUTS and so constant. I’m so happy to be at this point and stage but I also feel sad kind of, like man I hope I made the most of it… suddenly I realize that is all over phew. Mind blown she’s 4…
@chamtt That’s so great that it’s feeling better! My son’s almost 4 and I think the shit is just hitting the fan. Enjoy being on the other side (until the next developmental storm haha).
@godgirl13 My thoughts are with you.

My son woke up at 4am every day for at least 3 months.

My husband and I woke every day saying “when will this nightmare end”

The coup shall end and I hope you get a glorious slumber when it does
@chamtt That's about the age I had the very same thought. Mine is now 17, and, I can assure you, the saying about how the days are long and the years are short is absolutely true.
@987abc As a mom to a 4 yo I can definitely say that tantrums most definitely do not go away lol. But (at least for us) they are a lot more manageable than when she was 2 and was incapable of being reasoned with. I mean, even now at four it’s touch and go with reasoning with her but most of the time it’s not too bad!
@chamtt Ha! I had the opposite. The day she turned 4 and we were on the way to her favorite restaurant she had an absolute meltdown because I took her out of her car seat instead of her dad. Like lying down on the sidewalk screaming while people passed us with a wide berth. Now that she’s 4.5 things are a bit easier but whoa. 4. Haha
@chamtt I am hopeful reading your post. There have been tantrums lately … and I just feel like I’m doing something wrong. It’s nice to know they’re normal & I’m not alone. Little man is 3.
@chamtt I also have a Feb 2020 girl and she is awesome. Her tantrums have never been like some that I think other people deal with. But 4 is so much fun because she is just becoming more of a human!