Shall we go from 2 to 3?

@bridgetbride I agree that 3-4 was not an easy transition! Mine are 2m, 4m, 6f and 8m, almost exactly 2 years between each. So when my fourth came my eldest was in kindergarten and second in preschool and two at home. I was also working full time at that time. It was a lot. Since then I went to working on a contractor basis when my husband is home and my eldest two are in school and third in preschool. It’s a lot of driving around and managing schedules and such. But I’m really really pleased about how well they get along with one another and look out for each other. This morning my oldest was laying on the couch and my toddler just jumped up and snuggled him. Toddler thinks older kids are the best and they entertain him all the time. Middle two are thick as thieves but the two older boys have converging interests lately. They’re all quite independent in temperament which is a coup. All of those dynamics and seeing them have their own ecosystem has been really gratifying for me.
@roguefriar Thank you! Fascinating. I love seeing the sibling dynamics. My husband has 4 sisters and they are so hilarious together they put me and my 2 siblings to shame!

My work is not really such that I could easily switch into a contractor/freelancer unfortunately. I did gain some flexibility about where I work (now hybrid) which saves me time during the week at least!
@bridgetbride This is interesting to me! I am currently pregnant with our 4th and this is what i’m worried about. We’ve found a really good groove with 3! This is the most nervous i’ve been about a transition going from 3-4.
@katrina2017 It could also be the phase we’re in because at first it was fine. When my 4th was born my kids were 7,3.5, and 18 months. I think when my youngest turned 2 is when things became more difficult for us because there was potty training, obviously my 3.5yo still required a good amount of guidance for almost everything. My 5.5yo was in school and so was the 9yo.

Now at 3.5,5,7,11 my youngest and 5 year old are either super sweet with each other or ready to go at it. With my youngest we’re still working on patience, not interrupting, not whining and my 5yo starts to feed off her younger brother behavior if he starts acting up. My 7 year old has more homework and I like to sit down with her each day besides just then and same with my 11yo.

Part of me wonders if once they’re all school age if it’ll get somewhat easier again as at least we can all sit down after school, have a snack, do homework, and they can play.

Obviously kids dynamics and personalities make a huge difference as well. My first two are more independent naturally as well at my 4th, but my 4th wants to be just as independent as his older siblings so there’s an element of him insisting on doing too much and attempting to get into more than he should. My 3rd is 100% capable but often gets that extra push or encouragement. I love it and everyone is happy and doing great just from my own personal perspective once all the kids are in bed now more than ever I feel the relief of “ahhh we made it through the day and I can sit for a moment and hear myself think”.
@bridgetbride I hear you there!! I have a 10, 5 and 2.5 year old. My 2.5 year old likes to think she can do everything her older brothers can do and gets so mad when they’re off doing something without her. I’m so nervous for how she’ll react she is naturally just very clingy and still needs me for everything, she is very much a Mumma’s girl. She’s in the phase of only wanting Mum. We’re currently transitioning her to a big girl bed which is going a lot smoother than I expected, touch wood! My older 2 i’m not worried about they’re so excited for this baby to come and talk about it all the time. It will be an adjustment and we’ll find a routine that works for us. I do find it a lot easier when the boys are at school because I can then give my daughter that one on one attention. At the moment she’s in struggle town because we’re on school holidays so the boys are at home all day with us. I try to give all my kids some, one on one time each day but we’re definitely in the thick of it. I also like to sit down and work through homework/ reading with the boys. I’m nervous but excited to see how this 4th baby will fit into our family!
@katrina2017 Yes your kids are very similar in age to my kids. You’ll definitely find a routine and it’ll ebb and flow. I think for us we’re such in the in between of “older kids” being independent and “younger kids” still needed us I can feel the pull in both directions more intense if that makes sense.

My 3.5 is in the phase of popping out of his room for what feels like for ever during bed time at the moment. He transitioned to a toddler bed great and for a year was easy and then one day it was like a lightbulb went off in his little brain and he’s like “oh I can just get up and walk out of here”.

I work but thankfully I make my own hours so during the day either myself or my husband is home with our youngest until 12:30 when we pick my 5yo up from school. That one on one time is great and my son is amazing and a different child. Once we get his sister from school the constant “I want to open the door first” “I want to do xyz first” or “I want only what she’s playing with starts”. Which I know is normal I guess I just had more time to devote to intervening when need before.

I wish you the best and even in the chaos it’ll be great. Because no matter how difficult things get nothing changes how much you love them and how amazing it is to watch them grow.
@foxyroxy Following, because my dream was always to have three. I have two boys 21 months apart and it’s been harder than I (we) expected, so we’re waiting a few years before deciding.
@foxyroxy If you want to then go for it. The logistics get a little harder, you’re outnumbered. Otherwise 2-3 was our easiest transition and I’ve heard that from a lot of people.