@naomi_sarai Put my daughter in daycare at 18m. It was mostly to start getting good socialization, but also to expose her to as much as possible. It helped with her talking, helped with her holding a pencil grip way earlier than otherwise. Potty training, empathy, the whole 9 yards
And none of thst would have been possible with out guidance. Her teachers have been amazing from day one and we love our care center.
The parents who feel that way, in my non expert opinion, seem to do so mostly because they simply don't realize how much of
everything kids absorb. Everything. They remember it all and it will come up again at some random point in the future. They make intuitive connections that most adults have forgotten how to make. They may be socially children but their
capacity to learn is greater than adults because they have no hangups or preconceived notions.
People tend to conflate not being able to understand something
a child has never encountered before that an adult encounters all the time as not being smart. Or the fact thar children, when they feel safe (with mom and dad) will be deliberately disobedient to push boundaries. To discover where the line in the sand is (and can it be moved?)
I'm extremely intelligent. My wife is as well. We always expected our kids to be smart and able to solve problems but my goodness we are constantly amazed at how much our daughter can figure out. And a lot of that comes from structured (or at least guided) interaction with her peers at preschool