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I just wanted to give expectant mother's a heads up to double check everything with dealing with Sedgwick! I'm not sure if they are short staffed, burned out, or just experienced a high turnover, but there were so many errors with my leave.
  1. They will ask you the preferred time to be reached, but it's only a suggestion. They will call you when it's convenient for them so keep your phone on and by you at all times because they will not call you back. My only call was while I was at work and I couldn't answer it in time so I was never able to communicate with my sedgwick representative (I was expecting the call on my day off). I got all my info from other pregnant coworkers.
  2. Every paycheck during my leave was different. They would underpay me one week, then the next pay period make up for it (sometimes it would take 2-3 pay periods). I never got a consistent paycheck which was frustrating since I had hospital bills to pay
  3. During my leave, my salary as expected reduced by 66.66%, but they also drained my PTO while I was on leave. I am not sure how they justified using my PTO while paying me less for being on leave, but this resulted in me running out of PTO and not getting a paycheck for 2 months.
  4. While trying to clear all this up with them, I went back and calculated my pay during my leave (since I was placed on hold while they transferred me to a different department. Each one told me it would take 1-2 business day to get back to me) and I realized they underpaid me by $3,000 during my entire leave.
Moral of the story- double check everything! Even if you are sleep deprived, exhausted, and just surviving, it is worth looking into if you're missing a few thousand dollars.
@wing2000 I'm in OR! If your work is contracted with Sedgwick then unfortunately they'll just direct you to Sedgwick and cannot help you. I actually never spoke to the person handling my case, but if you log into my Sedgwick, you can email them.

Depending on your work benefits you may get more money from Sedgwick so it would be worth trying with them. I got 100% of my salary for 3 weeks then 66% for the next 3 weeks. The Oregon medical leave only gave me a small portion of my paycheck.

My experience was a nightmare. They forgot to tell HR I returned to work so I didn't get paid for weeks after I returned. I hope your experience is a lot better than mine! Good luck!!
@travis84 Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I called sedgwick today and they said the examiner that was assigned to my claim is out for the entire dau lol. I hope I can get it process and get paid timely . Thanks again!!
@wing2000 Absolutely! So frustrating they make it so difficult when we're busy being pregnant/post partum! I hope they reach out to you and it's smooth sailing from here on out! Congrats!!
@travis84 I’m dealing with Lincoln financial and they sent me a check I’ve been out of work for four weeks now. For $18.47. I literally broke down, I can’t pay for anything and formula and diapers aren’t cheap. I contacted them with no response.
@him I'm sorry you're going through the same thing. Don't give up, keep contacting them! Hopefully you'll get someone who will take the time to sort everything